I can’t believe we’ve made it to our last and final week of the Be Present Service Challenge! I really am humbled and thrilled to read what many of you have have done throughout the past few weeks.
Week 6 – Love Your Community Printable
My boys love when we drive by our State Capital Building :)
1. Simple Acts of Service – I’ll be the first to admit when I think of service, community isn’t the first on my list. I’m from a small town and when you know everyone it’s easier to jump in an feel like you’re making a difference! But living in Utah where I don’t know many people, it’s just different. But I recently stumbled across a quote from Spencer W. Kimball and it made me think a little differently, it states:
“We must remember that those mortals we meet in parking lots, offices, elevators, and elsewhere are that portion of mankind that God has given us to love and serve.”
Many times when I’m out and about I’m focused solely on my kids, but this week I’ll be be attempting to notice more people around me and remember it’s often the little things that make big differences, even when it comes to strangers.
Deliver some cookies!
2. Thank Someone – This is an easy one to get kids involved with. Write a note, bake a treat, or drop something off for someone in your community. I’m sure my boys will pick the policeman and fireman, but my goal is to think outside of the box and thank someone who is rarely thanked. Any ideas?
Here’s a free printable sharing Random Act of Kindness cards you can attach to serve anonymously if that’s more your thing.
Get out and clean!
3. Make it Beautiful – Let’s get out and beautify our community! When you first enter our subdivision, there’s a bunch of leaves piled up against a fence on the parkway strip. I plan on taking my kids and raking the leaves up. In fact, I told them today what we would be doing later this week, and it led to a conversation about why we should care about our community.
I know six weeks is long, but I am so thrilled with how many participated! The stories I’ve heard, the good deeds performed, it all makes me so happy to think of all the love and hope spread throughout the past few weeks.
But most of all, how did it affect you? Did you notice a difference? What did you learn? I know I definitely learned some lessons, especially on spouse week. I was reminded that it doesn’t have to be something big in order to have it count. I need to consistently think of ways to involve my boys and lead by example. It also reaffirmed that there are blessings that come from serving.
Thanks to everyone who joined us, we really do appreciate all of you who check in on our little corner of the world from time to time. We love you!