This was the quickest year of my life! But one of the sweetest by far. Words can’t even express how much we love this little girl. Patrick even admitted how happy he was that I talked him into one more :)
This girl woke up and caught on quickly something special was going on. She was the sweetest thing, loving the decor above the table and giving hugs to the adults throughout the entire day. My parents made the trip down to celebrate with us, which made the day even more special.
I know its blurry, but it just captures what life is like with her perfectly.
Details to Remember:
- Buying pink decorations literally made my life. I won’t ever take that for granted.
- Oaklee kept giving my dad hugs throughout the day and attached to my mom’s hip.
- The boys excitement over every single thing.
- Homemade Cafe Rio Salads for dinner. Ledger out ate everyone by far!
- The boy picked out her Coconut cake and said it tasted, “Fantastic!”
- Oaklee was my only baby to really enjoy her cake. She loved hers and my mom’s as well.
- It was just a very happy and sweet day. Grateful she’s ours.
Oaklee at one:
- In 12-18 mo clothing.
- Size 4 diapers
- She has the smallest feet! Shoes are such a struggle. Still in the first size of mocs.
- 8 teeth, a bottom molar just popped through.
- Sleeps from 6 pm – 7 am.
- Still not walking, my slowest walker by far!
- Says: “Mama, Dada, A-choo, Banana, Night Night, Hi, Boo.” Cannon recently taught her how to growl…
- Loves emptying any shelf or drawer in record time.
- Loves her brothers and Pog.
- Has bonded with her dad a lot more lately, they are the cutest little buddies.
- My number one mama’s girl out of all my kids.
It’s been a struggle to watch my youngest turn one! But looking forward to see who she becomes even more. Happy Birthday Oaklee Grace, we love you!