What a rush! Last May I decided I wanted to train to run another sprint triathlon along with five other family members. I was nervous, I had never been so out of shape, due to having the twins, I hadn’t worked out in over a year and half. But I knew this would be a good goal to set, and would force me to make time to get back in shape.
Let’s be honest, life got in the way, and training was hard. I rarely got six workouts in each week, and the first time I ran, I could barely go around the block, something I wasn’t used to. But Pat kept encouraging me, kept making time to watch the kids, and NEVER complained when I left to workout. Three and a half months flew by, mainly because I had people to train with this year. I spent hours with my dad and cousin Tiana, either swimming or riding. Training with others definitely beats doing it by yourself.
The night before as I was packing my bags, I suggested we call a babysitter. I knew getting to the lake before 8:00 AM with all three boys and getting them to the second transition across town would be a challenge for Pat. But Pat didn’t hesitate and said, “No way. I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished in one year, and I want the twins to be there to see it.” My heart melted, and became extremely motivated.
Come race day, I had one goal - to beat my time from two years ago. I picked Tiana up at 5:45 AM loaded her bike and made our way to the Jr. High. We set up for transition #2 and drove over to the lake with my dad, brother, and two uncles. I was a nervous wreck!
Let’s do this!
Tiana and I came in from the swim right together. I struggled getting my helmet on (It was like my fingers weren’t working) and the next thing I knew Tiana was helping me. Seriously, so nice!
Uncle Mark, cousin Tiana, Me, Dad, Uncle Randy, Brother Dustin
The race was so much harder for me than it was two years ago, having the twins really did a number on my body, but I’m proud to say I beat my previous time by 14 minutes, and came in 3rd out of the six of us! I left excited because I know I’m not fully back to where I need to be, which leaves room for a lot of improvement!
Official time: 1:43:24.60
Swim: 16:41.42
T1: 2:15