Last week I left Pat and the kids and took off for six days to attend a wedding in Colombia! (Yes, in South America! It was incredible! I promise a post is coming soon!) It wasn’t until Sunday that I realized Easter was a week away and panicked for a minute. I didn’t have anything planned.
Today my boys asked if we were going to do anything fun this week, so I quickly planned a couple of simple activities throughout the week and thought I’d share. They are low budget and super simple to throw together real fast.
Simple Bunny Masks
We grabbed:
- white pipe cleaners (3 for each child)
- popsicle sticks (1 for each child)
- cotton balls (1 for each child)
- white paper to cut out teeth
- Elmer’s Glue
- scissors
- a Pink Dot Marker
(If you don’t have some of these, you should! My kids love them!)
- We wrapped the pipe cleaners around the popsicle sticks and secured them with a little Elmer's glue.
- I drew the shape of the teeth and had the boys cut them out.
- We colored the tops of the cotton balls.
- We glued on the teeth and cotton balls.
So simple and fun! And my boys were cracking up over them.
I have about a billion Easter eggs stored away in a bin and decided an egg hunt this week would be fun, but I didn’t want to fill them with candy… (We still have Halloween candy sitting in the cupboard) So I was looking for something other than sweets to fill the eggs with. With three boys I thought burning off some energy might be fun so here’s a simple Easter Egg Hunt Filled With Fun Exercises that kids will enjoy.
Print a couple copies and you’ll be ready to go! I’m already thinking of fun ways to twist this in my mind and am confident that it will make for a fun afternoon.
Happy Easter, enjoy!