We are having twins!!! I still have to pinch myself, it doesn't quite seem real!
On Monday, I went in for my 9 wk appointment. I dropped Ledger off at a friend’s house, and Pat was in class. I was ready to get an official due date, and some meds for nausea.
As the ultrasound tech came in, she asked how I was feeling. I explained that I have been sooo sick, twice as sick as my other pregnancies. She said, “Twice as sick? Maybe you’re having twins.” I don’t remember my exact response, but something like, “Oh, no, that's the last thing we could handle.” As soon as I finished saying that, the screen came on, and the tech started giggling. She giggled and giggled, and then said,
“There are two babies.”
“No!” (I really thought she was teasing me)
“Yes! Really, look!”
“You’re kidding me, your messing with me!”
“No, I’m not, there really are two babies!” The longer I stared at the screen, I decided she probably couldn't fake the image of two babies with all my info above it, so I finally believed her.
Then I became an instant mess as I suddenly felt so many different emotions that I started crying and laughing all at the same time.

By this point, I kept staring at the ceiling, and then looking back at the screen to see if the picture on the screen had changed, I kept telling myself she was kidding. She continued to giggle the entire time, and repeatedly told me I was having twins. I panicked. Two babies? Three kids 25 months apart? Pat wasn't even positive we were ready for another one right now, let alone two! (He's been much more calm than I have) I then proceeded to list off all the reasons I didn’t think we were fit to have twins to the tech. For example, We only have two bedrooms! My husband is still in school! I don’t think we can fit 3 kids in our small cars! She kept reassuring me, told me my due date was moved back a week, and then left so I could change.
When I walked out of the room, many of the nurses and Dr. M were all in the room in front of me working. Someone looked up and saw my face and asked if I was ok. I replied, “I have two babies in my stomach.” haha They all congratulated me, and while I panicked, one of the sweet nurses told me, we could do it, especially with their whole team behind us.
Dr. M then came in and discussed with me what to expect. To be honest, I was only half listening, I was just staring at the ultrasound pictures. He explained my appointments will be more frequent with ultrasounds. Having two babies, means double the hormones, which explains why I’ve been extremely sick and tired. He explained that the babies are classified as Di Di twins. They each have their own sac and placenta which is the best and healthiest form of twins. (YAY!) They checked both ovaries to see if both produced eggs, and only one side did. So there is a chance that they can be identical, and that would mean the egg split between day 1-3. Or they could be fraternal. We can't wait to find out. As he continued to explain things, I suddenly blurted out-
“How am I going to fit two babies in my stomach? I’m huge with just one!” He smiled, and calmly replied, “It always seems to work out, you’ll be able to do it.”
37 weeks is considered full term with twins. So there's a good chance I'll deliver in July. Many have asked what we are hoping for with gender. I’m just hoping for at least one girl. It would be fun to have a girl again :) And the thought of 3 boys 25 months apart seems a little wild to me. But if it happens, I’ll gladly except it.
We weren’t planning on announcing we were pregnant for at least another month, but once we learned there are two babies, we immediately called family, and before we knew, it seemed like the whole world knew. So we just went with it. Hopefully everything will continue to run smoothly.
I’ve been so sick, that have struggled to accomplish anything. Ledger has been my first priority, and then I try to keep our house in order… that one isn’t going so well. I’ve struggled to blog as often, and I apologize to all those waiting for a response via e-mail. I’m so terribly behind on writing people back, but I’ll get to it, I promise!
We are now so so excited. I know I panicked in the office, but it seems like I got it out of my system, and am absolutely thrilled now. (I'm still wondering how I'm going to fit two inside of me) Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. Our little family, (soon to be not so little) is incredibly blessed. Having four kids by the age of 25 is absolutely crazy! Once again, it proves that we don’t have control over much, and Pat and I are learning to once again jump on that roller coaster called life and go with it. Just before I went in to the Dr office, I was thinking about how blessed we were going to be to experience two kids together, and I can't help but be so very grateful to experience 3 together. Even though we would have had four, I can't help but look at this as a huge blessing from our Heavenly Father.
We certainly can't wait to meet these little ones.
ReplyDeleteSuch exciting news! You will do great! You should take pictures each week of your growing belly. It would be neat to have that, after the babies are born, to look back on to remember how your body carried two babies.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again!
What a blessing! I can't wait to watch you along your journey! You are going to do great! Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteI'm so very happy for you! The Lord blesses people with twins who can handle it..that's what people told me and it made me feel a little more confident :) I completely understand feeling twice as awful, too. I didn't think I'd ever feel human again! You are doing awesome, I'm sure, just grow those babies!! If you have any questions ask away! It's sooo helpful to hear each others tips and tricks for raising twins. Congrats to you guys..woohoo!!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for a while now, but I don't think I've ever commented until now. I am so,so thrilled for you! What a tremendous blessing. I'm sure it will feel overwhelming at times, but you can totally do it! (We had 4 kids in a two-bedroom :) and I also had four by the time I was 25.) You are a wonderful mother and you can do it! Congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteThat little video of Pat is PRICELESS! Imagine how many people you have sending their best thoughts and praying for all good things for your family.
ReplyDeleteso excited for yall!!
ReplyDeleteMy friend has what she calls fraternal/identical twins. My doctor confirmed they don't know everything about twins and it is possible. He said the split can happen at any time. She thinks that she ovulated once and the egg split and was fertilized by different sperm. I don't know if it really happens but her doctor told her that's why boy/girl twins can look so similar. Crazy. Anyway I am so happy for you.
ReplyDeleteI've read your blog for years, and find your story a true inspiration! We have met, at Heidi's baby shower for Bronx...when I was prego with my twins. I have to say congrats!! I had to post on this entry because your ultrasound experience..was pretty much identical to mine!! I had been in twice for iv's and zofran because i was..twice as sick..so although the ultra sound shouldn't have been such a shock, it definitely was! I can relate to the incredible mix of emotions, and all the "how the heck are we going to do this" feelings. I found out I was pregnant a week after my husband started his job in wyoming..and we were still in Idaho. Then finding out it was twins was extremely overwhelming. I had no idea how I could do it. I was working, and my husband worked 5 hours away and was gone almost all of the time. All I can say is someway, somehow it all works out. My boys are 9 months now (and I have a 3 year old boy as well). It has been an adventure to say the least. Lots of ups and downs, trials and difficult moments. But at the same time it has been WONDERFUL and something I would never ever change! Twins are so much fun!!! Dr. M is the BEST! He was my Dr through my whole pregnancy! Their office is wonderful, with kind and caring staff. I get SO exciting hearing about people who are having twins. It really is an amazing experience! Let people help you!!!! I had a hard time doing this, and often denied offers from people wanting to help, even though I really needed it! Once I finally swallowed my pride, I realized just how willing and happy people are to help, and how much of a difference it makes! I know you don't know me well, but if you have any questions or anything, you can email me anytime (chelseyfaye@hotmail.com)! There are just some questions people can't answer if they haven't gone through it. I know I really appreciated the mom's I've talked to who had twins themselves, so I try to offer the same to anyone who needs it, especially because I am also a L&D nurse and have the perspective of being the nurse caring for mom's having twins, and being the patient too :) Good luck!!!! You are a great mom and these two little ones are lucky to be sent to your family!
ReplyDeleteHave you ever heard of predicting gender based on which side of the uterus the baby implants on? Its supposed to be very accurate, and it has been for my sisters in law and me! Basically if the baby implants on the right side of the uterus its a boy, and the left side is a girl. But if its an abdominal u/s then its a mirror image, so right is really left. Im going to predict 2 girls if you had an abdominal u/s!! This was like a 10 yr study by Dr. Saad Ramzi that was shown to be over 97% accurate. Google it! :) Congrats by the way!!!
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your response even though I got to hear it straight from you too :). I'm most excited to finally see you as a normal pregnant woman who wears maternity clothes! Hahaha! I'm excited to snuggle on two sweet babies!
ReplyDeleteI don't think my last post went through, so if it did then excuse this one! Anyway have you ever heard of the Ramzi's method for gender prediction?? It was a 10 year study that was shown to be over 97% accurate by Dr. Saad Ramzi. This theory was true for my sisters-in-law as well as both of my own pregnancies. Basically if the baby implants on the right side it's a boy, and the left side is a girl. Be careful if you're looking at an abdominal u/s though, because it is a mirror image. So what looks like the right side is really the left. By looking at your u/s (assuming it's abdominal) I am going to predict 2 girls!!! I don't think this study included twins, but it's still fun! Google it and see what you think. Congrats by the way!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to hear all about this pregnancy. I agree that taking the pictures each week will really show the difference, especially since you will grow so differently this time than with a singular pregnancy. The Lord qualifies those whom he calls, and he has called you to this special role as a mommy of twins and he will give you everything you need to do it! I know you have learned that more than most and I look forward to your extra special perspective as you step into this role. Congratulations again!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness congratulations again! I don't comment very often, but I can't resist now. Twins are such an amazing blessing!
ReplyDeleteMy twin pregnancy was by far my favorite (after the month or so of nauseous misery) of my 3 pregnancies. I would do it again in a heartbeat! It is just such a miracle that your body can create and carry 2 human beings at once. My advice to all twin moms is make sure you eat TONS of protein during the pregnancy. I definitely attribute that to my carrying my babies so long (39 weeks).
Both of my Brothers had twins (well their wives did, but ya get me ;)) and so I always thought I would have them too. I didn't , but I can tell you this, they are a huge blessing! They are so fun to watch interact with one another and Ledger will have a blast! I really feel like Preslee had a hand in all this and I wouldn't be surprised at all if you have two little girls! That is my guess and I will stick with it :) I know it probably was a bit of a shock at first but really these babies are coming to the best parents in the world! And you will be just fine! CONGRATS! I am so very happy for you all!
ReplyDeleteBoth of my Brothers had twins (well their wives did haha but you get me) and so I always thought I would too. I didn't, but I can tell you this, Twins are amazing! They are so much fun to watch interact with one another and Ledger will love have two little friends to play with. Both my S.I.L put their newborn twins together in one crib for the first few months. And they slept perfect because they were used to being so close anyways. So put your worries aside and know that it will all work out. I have a small house as well (3 bedrooms 1 1/2 bath ) and we have 5 kids! We make due with what we have and I know you can do it as well!
ReplyDeleteI can't help but feel that little Preslee has had a hand in all this, So my guess on gender will be two girls! I just feel that she knows how much you miss her and love her and instead of sending you one sister she has decided to send two little sisters! These two sweet babies are coming the two great parents!
CONGRATS, I am so very happy for you all!
I cried my eyes out when they told me I was having twins. Mostly because I didn't feel qualified to manage twins! But I can tell you its been the greatest blessing of my life, and I have no doubt the joy you are about to experience... oh and exhaustion (in a good way).
ReplyDeleteI am overwhelmed with excitement for you! I don't know you....but I couldn't be happier for a complete stranger! These babies were meant to be your children...what an incredible blessing for you all! Praying for a smooth pregnancy and much happiness! You deserve all the happiness you're about to receive! :) Much love from Texas!
Congrats...and so happy for you and your family. Best throughout this pregnancy and can't wait to follow along this journey!
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS WONDERFUL NEWS! But I am partial to twins, of course. Never listen to anyone who has anything bad to say about twins. Best thing ever. =) Good luck and congratulations. I'm thrilled for you! If you need to chat about twin babies, hit me up on facebook.
Again congratulations. When I first checked your blog the other day prior to hitting the link I thought, "I think she is going to have another baby!" What a wonderful surprise to learn you are having two! Double blessings for an amazing family. Thank you for sharing your story, it does my heart good each time I read your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteYour feelings and emotions were spot on with mine when I found out we were having twins! My husband was at work so I got the news all by myself....laughter, tears, dread, overwhelmed, excited....all those emotions! My twins and my oldest (all boys) are 21 months apart. I agree to take people up on their offering to help. I don't know if ledger is good going to babysitters, but I'd start getting him used to it now- my oldest is a pure mama's boy and if I had let him go to other people more often that would've helped. I nursed my twins and actually thought the whole process was easier than bottle feeding. There's an awesome nursing pillow I found on the Internet called double blessings- yes I fed them at the same time. The first year was pretty hard I'm not gonna lie, but I honestly truthfully can say that I'd do it all over again. They are 2 1/2 now and so much fun. There are so many blessings that come with twins. Please please email me if you have any questions! I could go on and on, but for now I'll say this: you can do hard things!!! (But we already knew that, right?) -Natalie from UT
ReplyDeleteSorry here's my email: natalienmorgan@gmail.com. Use it any time!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Ashley! When I saw your last post my first thought was "She's gonna have four kids by the age of 25!" Not many people can say that! I hope everything goes well! You of all people can do this and Heavenly Father already knows you can do hard things so I'm sure he thought you could handle this just fine!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Ashley! When I saw your last post my first thought was "She's gonna have four kids by the age of 25!" Not many people can say that! I hope everything goes well! You of all people can do this and Heavenly Father already knows you can do hard things so I'm sure he thought you could handle this just fine!
ReplyDeleteSo excited for you! You should get a hold of my sister in law Katie Parker (Katie Sellers) since her twin girls are 7 months old now. She could tell you all there is to know about twin pregnancy, plus she is as tiny as you are and somehow managed to fit both of the girls in there! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!! This is wonderful! Congrats I can't wait to see the little ones when they arrive fingers crossed for a little girl!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog and was sooooo Happy to hear your expecting and what a blessing to be having twins... congratulations you are such a great mother!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWoW, Twins! Congrats to DOUBLE the blessings :)
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS!!! I never comment, but I'm an LDS mom of twins (19 months) and we live just outside Salt Lake City. It was a shock to us, too! My blog is sarjobran.blogspot.com if you want to see my archives during my pregnancy. I second the above comment---TONS of protein. Make milkshakes, anything. You need to try to gain 24 lbs by 24 weeks---the earlier you put on the weight, the better for the babies because there is such a high chance of prematurity. Eat, eat, eat!! :) :)
ReplyDeleteMost twin moms will recommend two books for you, they are *THEE* books to read while you are still early on in your pregnancy.
#1) http://www.amazon.com/Youre-Expecting-Twins-Triplets-Quads/dp/0061803073/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1357941061&sr=1-1&keywords=twins+triplets+and+quads [When you're expecting twins, triplets, or quads by Barbara Luke]
#2) (this one is only if you are interested in breastfeeding twins) http://www.amazon.com/Mothering-Multiples-Breastfeeding-Caring-International/dp/0976896931/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1357941172&sr=1-1&keywords=mothering+multiples [Mothering Multiples by La Leche League]
You are going to rock this!! Don't stress about the small stuff and logistics, you WILL make it work no matter what!
I am so elated for you guys! With both my pregnancies my mil always wished twins upon me...ya I didnt think Id ever want twins lol.. but hearing a friend is having two babies is SO exciting and I hope the nausea meds will help you! being sick with a toddler is tuff. Im hoping you have a girl inside there!
ReplyDeleteOH MY HOLY STARS IN HEAVEN!!! I'm so excited for you. I've loved reading your blog-- can't remember if I've posted recently.
ReplyDeleteHOORAY!!! You will survive. You have already shown us that you can do hard things. Even twins. My cousin has two sets of twins, 5 years apart. And my other cousin has one set. It's doable! Look on Craigslist for twin stuff.
I have been reading your blog for a long time, maybe even commented here or there? But I just teared up as I read this.....cause it brought back soooo many memories!!! I was right where you are now, except my baby boy was only 9 months old when we found out we were having twins, and my ultrasound picture looks just like yours! :) I am now the proud mama to those twin girls {as different as night and day, one is dark with brown eyes, the other blonde with blue eyes and personalities as different as can be}. And they were born when my son was only 16 months old. Not gonna lie....that first 6 months was a TOTAL blur, good thing I kept a blog and now can look back and enjoy it. It is so much fun tho and you will LOVE being a mom to TWINS!!!! I am soooo excited for you guys and you can totally do this...and what an amazing blessing! Heavenly Father is sending down these sweet little souls as fast as he can get them here....and to the best parents he can find to send them too! Good luck and if you want any tips I am happy to help out! :) jen_0817@yahoo.com and our blog is http://thestoryofusx8.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! I'm a fraternal twin! I have a twin brother. I too am an angel mommy to a 7 month old that passed 6 years ago. I have a 5 year old and went to my ultrasound on Monday! Im 9 weeks and due Aug15! i didn't think we could handle it. I'm in nursing school and graduate in June. But things come at the most unexpected times! So exciting!
ReplyDeleteMy computer would not allow me to comment on your one announcing your pregnancy. SO excited for this blessing in your family.
ReplyDeleteI have followed your blog for a while now and am excited for you guys! I see Pat at school every once in a while and want to say hi, but I am a complete stranger and don't want it to be weird. Congratulations though! You are adding twice as much joy and happiness to your family this time around!
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, I have replied a few various times. My husband and I can't have kids and I always dread whenever people announce pregnancies, but for You and Pat I was thrilled when you announced Ledger's pregnancy, and I'm even more thrilled with the announcement of this pregnancy. I think maybe its because of the perspective you always write with.....maybe its just because of your sweet spirit. But again, CONGRATULATIONS to the 2nd pregnancy that I have not had that gut wrenching jealousy feeling, I am so happy that you and Pat get to add two more beautiful spirits into your lives!
ReplyDeleteThis gives me chills! I am so excited for you!! Such a beautiful, joyfull blessing...you deserve every moment of it and you will continue to be a wonderful mother to your beautiful babies. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteSullenger family, this is the best thing to start 2013 with... Be Blessed en Enjoy!!! Everything will work out just fine... You aren't just getting to babies...You are getting two Blessings!!! The Lord is GOOD!
ReplyDeleteAshley... but you haven't told us how you told Pat... what was his reaction? Details, lots of details!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for y'all!! I'm 26, and only have one kid. I'm not brave enough to try again for another one LOL. I cannot wait to find out what these little blessings are. I certainly hope one of them is a little girl!
ReplyDeleteHow exciting!!!! It's crazy how He works. :) You are being doubly blessed and I couldn't be more excited for y'all!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS!!!!! I don't comment very much and mostly like to follow along, but seriously happy for ya'll :)
ReplyDeleteStart doing back strengthening exercises faithfully. That last month can be miserable.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Ashley and Pat. You are going to be just fine. So many blessings await you in this newest life journey. Heavenly Father is infinitely aware of you and your needs. He loves you. He will provide all you stand in need of. Be at peace. Enjoy the miracle you are blessed to be a part of. You're in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you both! I have 15 month old twin girls... and you are going to love it! If you are anything like me and you have any questions, please feel free to me! I have a whole net-work of twin moms and great books for you to read while you are expecting. Congrats again, twins are a wonderful blessing that only a luck few get to enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say WOW and congrats and oh my. Wonderful news. You guys will do great.
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you! I have followed your story for a while and I am thrilled about your news. The video made me tear up! ha! Hope you start feeling better...
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog and when I saw you are having twins I was so excited for you...and I can totally relate! I just found out I am having twins a few weeks ago and one of the first things out of my mouth too was, "how are these babies going to fit in my body?!" I go from being excited to scared in seconds but finally the morning sickness is wearing off at 13 weeks (hallelujah!) and now I can't wait. Congratulations and hope both of our pregnancies go smoothly!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!!!! So excited for you both. I'm sure Ms. Preslee had something to do with sending you this extra special surprise as well. I can just imagine her watching you in that ultrasound room. I know that she is with you, always.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you. You don't know me and I can't remember how I found your blog but I love love it. Congratulations on twins. They really are so much fun.
ReplyDeleteOMG... I hadn't clicked on your blog for a few weeks ~ I didn't realize you were pregnant. Congrats to you and Pat ~ how exciting!!
WOW!! What a surprise!! I think little Preslee is up there raining blessings down upon you! Congrats to your beautiful growing family :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats!! That is SO exciting! Twins are the best! You guys are awesome parents and have such a beautiful family, two more will just add to it!! Yay! I had twins (3 girls in 2 1/2 years) and its been crazy but the best! Get ready for the ride of your life with double everything!!! Best of luck to you!! <3
ReplyDeleteWow!!!! Congrats!!! I was on a cruise for the last week and was totally shocked to read your news just now! Congrats again. What a blessing.
ReplyDeleteI have been following your story for a while now and this just melts my heart. Your testimony, faith and knowledge shine through completely in your blog. You have an amazing family. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteLoved reading this!!! I too had 4 kids by age 25! I'm now 28 with 3 year old twins and mine are all BOYS! It's a crazy ride ... but so worth it!
ReplyDeleteYou're an amazing mom and you can do it!
I also had 2 sacs and 2 placenta's but mine came out looking soooo identical and so when they were 2 we did a DNA test and found out that they were indeed identical. It will be fun to follow you through out this !
Best of luck to you and you cute family!
I can't begin to explain how excited I am for you! You are a terrific mom and I can't think of a better family for those sweet little babies to go to! Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteOh my, I am so excited for you all!!!!!!!!! I have not checked your blog in about 3 weeks and feel like I am so out of the loop.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You can do this and will be a mighty fine job!
Sending you a DOUBLE CONGRATS from Germany! You and Pat deserve such an incredible blessing!
ReplyDeleteI have never commented before but had to weigh in! CONGRATS!!
ReplyDeleteMy older daughter turned two the day after my twins were born, so very similar age difference to yours. I had boy/girl twins. It was also a complete shock, I was 26 years old, and my husband was in law school. We planned the pregnancy, but NOT twins!
I will say, it all worked out. It still cracks me up that we had three kids before he finished law school. We did have to move into a bigger house, we had a 3 bedroom and my twins didn't sleep well together so one was in the living room and I was going crazy.
Enjoy your pregnancy, because it gets crazy with twins! But so, so fun and rewarding at the same time. I would do it all over again.
That is wonderful news! I have been following your blog for the past few years and am a 32 year old working mom of 2 girls. Preslee and Ledger are such beautiful children! My oldest daughter was born in November 2008 so I do think about Mallory alot when you tell stories about Preslee. I have an 8 month old daughter as well named Harper and she is completely opposite than her sister but I adore watching them together. Mallory is absolutely in love with her sister and Harper thinks she is hilarious so it will be fun watching Ledger with his siblings. God has a way of making things work out and he has blessed you two times over. Congrats again to you and Pat!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! I had a toddler and then had boy/girl twins by the age of 23 (3 kids), they were so much fun. I carried them through 36 weeks, and they were healthy enough to go home with me, I had to have a c-section because they were both breach.