We woke Ledger at 6 A.M. and headed to Madison Memorial Hospital for surgery. He was scheduled to have his tonsils and adenoids removed, along with a turbinate reduction. We were nervous he would struggle without eating or drinking for more than 12 hours, but he surprised us and did awesome. Ledger was thrilled to see Grandpa Sullenger waiting for us in the lobby. Dorsie is the Director of Pharmacy at the hospital, so he was already at work.
After we were assigned a room, we dressed Ledger in a hospital gown, and waited a little over an hour for surgery. Thank goodness Grandpa was there to distract Sledge Hammer. Each nurse who popped their head in told us Ledger was the youngest patient they had seen to have a turbinate reduction at Madison Memorial. I wasn't quite sure how that made me feel.
When it was time, Pat walked Ledger back to the doors, and handed him over to the nurse. Ledger never looked back, and didn't let go of Thomas the Train the entire time. I was happy the IV was put in after Ledge was put under general anesthesia.
Forty five minutes later, Dr. P. came in and said the procedure went well. Ledger's tonsils were incredibly large and mushy, which is a sign of infection, and also explains why he's been so sick. He told us he'd never seen a little kid's tonsils that mushy before. The adenoids had been extremely large, and Dr. P. was able to shave down a good amount of the turbinates, which made him hopeful we might not have to fix Ledger's deviated septum in the future. He explained the turbinates are painful because they cut down the glands, and then cauterize them, and would cause Ledger's nose to bleed for the next few days. He also told us to plan on a rough next two weeks.
Soon after, Pat and I heard Ledger frantically screaming clear down the hall and through the doors. Poor thing, I'm sure coming out of general anesthesia is terrifying for a kid who doesn't understand why he is in pain and being held by strangers. After awhile, they came and grabbed me because they weren't able to calm him down. After rocking Ledger for quite awhile, and with the help of two nurses, we still couldn't calm him. They finally allowed Patrick to come help, and with the two of us singing every verse of Old McDonald over and over again, Ledger finally began to calm down.
I'm amazed at how smells, and noises bring back memories. While Ledger was waking up, he smelled just like Preslee had at PCMC. With his throat incredibly swollen, he was gasping and making noises just like Preslee did during her last few hours of life. We definitely had some hard moments, and I was extremely grateful to have Pat there by my side.
The next 6 hours were spent in a tiny day surgery room. Ledger cried for most of it, and would fall in and out of sleep. The only thing that seemed to calm him was holding his sippy cup. He needed it at all times, and even slept with it, but he never drank from it... He quickly learned the nurses were going to interrupt him, which made him burst into tears at the sight of them. Respiratory was called down to his room and they gave him a breathing treatment which helped him breathe a little easier. We couldn't get him to eat or drink, so we forced water down with a syringe, which he absolutely hated. We were all grateful my mom was able to come and help while Pat went to class.
Grandma Merritt came to visit on her lunch break and brought fun toys.
Loving his Mater truck. He was pretty calm while Grandma Merritt visited.
Around 3:00 PM, we were finally moved upstairs to a bigger room. Ledger looked rough, and seemed to struggle more as he became more alert, and especially each time the pain medication began to wear off. He had visitors, who all brought fun toys, which he immediately became incredibly possessive of. Just ask Kayson who brought him a tractor...
I'm pretty sure Kayson left terrified.
Aunt Linsy, Ivy, and Uncle Jamie
Grandpa Siddoway
I'm pretty sure Kayson left terrified.
Aunt Linsy, Ivy, and Uncle Jamie
Grandpa Siddoway
At 8:30 I sent Pat home to finish homework and get some sleep. Before he left, he was able to get Ledger's first and only post surgery smile.

Doesn't he melt your heart? His poor nose wouldn't stop bleeding.
It was a rough night. We watched Cars about 4 times. Ledger was in and out of sleep, and would wake up screaming, with blood running down his face and out of his mouth. At 3:00 AM, the nurse noticed a problem with IV, and realized it had detached and a blood clot had formed. A couple nurses tried flushing it, all the while Ledger was screaming and thrashing in my arms. They realized the IV needed to be pulled out, and since he still refused to eat or drink, he needed another one started in his opposite hand... just our luck. They called up one more nurse to help from the ER, and when we laid him down to put the IV in, he threw up a lot of blood. I quickly picked him up, so he wouldn't choke, and we were both instantly covered in blood, along with the bed and floor. Luckily we still had three nurses in the room, and they were able to quickly clean it up. We then swaddled him in a sheet, and Kim Shaum rocked at putting his new IV in. The nurses left a little before 5 AM, (two hours later) and almost immediately Ledger fell asleep with a death grip around my neck.

Doesn't he melt your heart? His poor nose wouldn't stop bleeding.
It was a rough night. We watched Cars about 4 times. Ledger was in and out of sleep, and would wake up screaming, with blood running down his face and out of his mouth. At 3:00 AM, the nurse noticed a problem with IV, and realized it had detached and a blood clot had formed. A couple nurses tried flushing it, all the while Ledger was screaming and thrashing in my arms. They realized the IV needed to be pulled out, and since he still refused to eat or drink, he needed another one started in his opposite hand... just our luck. They called up one more nurse to help from the ER, and when we laid him down to put the IV in, he threw up a lot of blood. I quickly picked him up, so he wouldn't choke, and we were both instantly covered in blood, along with the bed and floor. Luckily we still had three nurses in the room, and they were able to quickly clean it up. We then swaddled him in a sheet, and Kim Shaum rocked at putting his new IV in. The nurses left a little before 5 AM, (two hours later) and almost immediately Ledger fell asleep with a death grip around my neck.
I finally dozed off around 7:00 AM, and at 7:30, I noticed there were a box of doughnuts at the foot of the bed. I immediately knew they were from Dorsie, and thought it was incredibly sweet of him to pick up doughnuts so early in the morning :) I was starving, and immediately stuffed a chocolate doughnut into my mouth, (I wasn't too fond of the meatloaf they served the night before) just as Pat walked in. He was a little disturbed at the sight of me... I had blood covering my white shirt from Ledger's nose and when he threw up, make-up smeared, my mouth full with doughnut, and looked like I had a muskrat living on top of my head. I was a complete disaster. Pat immediately told me to change, I obeyed orders, and slept for the next 3 hours while he took care of Ledger.

(Grandpa coming to say goodbye)
When I woke up, I was ready to leave. We were discharged a few hours later. Hallelujah.
We left hoping Ledger would do better in his own environment, instead of screaming every time anyone walked into the room. (I'll post about his recovery at home later)
We were so grateful for all the support this little guy received. Thank your for all your comments, texts, e-mails, and prayers. We couldn't have done it without so many of you!
Thank you!
We left hoping Ledger would do better in his own environment, instead of screaming every time anyone walked into the room. (I'll post about his recovery at home later)
We were so grateful for all the support this little guy received. Thank your for all your comments, texts, e-mails, and prayers. We couldn't have done it without so many of you!
Thank you!
Poor little guy! I hope he is doing better. He sure is adorable!
ReplyDeleteGlad your home and more comfortable! Poor little guy, talk about traumatic! It'll all be worth it knowing he'll be breathing easier...
ReplyDeleteThat sounds awful! So much I can relate too. :( Glad you are home now...still a long couple of weeks ahead of you. Now that Luke is fully recovered-it feels like we have a brand new boy so there really is light at the end of the tunnel! good luck mamma. lots of prayers being sent your way. Hope your family is bringing ya'll dinner! that was the hardest part for me, being so far away from family. sure love you!
ReplyDeleteAwe poor little guy! Hope he is recovering well! He's such a sweetheart!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you have him at home. I didn't know Grandma Merritt was related to you guys. She is a nurse at our old Family Doctor. She was so wonderful with Damien and I loved when we got her as our nurse. What a sweet Grandma your kids have. Lots of prayers and thoughts are being sent your way.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, the poor sweet guy ; ( I hope he is recovering well @ home and all the surgery makes a huge difference in his breathing & health. Prayers & well wishes to your little guy (and you all too!)
ReplyDeletePraying for a quick recovery. Glad that surgery went well, hoping you all see positive results soon.
ReplyDeletePoor little guy! I'll pray for a quick recovery. You and your husband amaze me! I love your blog and check it often. :)
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for all of you - for Ledger who is the one suffering the most but also for his parents who hate seeing their sweet boy suffer!! It must have been a really hard couple of days. I hope Ledger is feeling better and glad things went well with the actual surgery. Take care. Prayers for all of you!!
ReplyDeleteHi Ashley we are friends of your parents. My son had his tonsils done when he was 3 1/2. He had never slept through the night and rarely napped. Within a month he was sleeping so much better. I wish you lots of luck I know the recovery is tough but in a short time he will be so much better.
ReplyDeleteTears are slowly running down my cheek right now as I read this post. I can't even imagine going back into a hospital and having to deal with all that you did. Seriously, I know that as mommies we rise to the occassion but I think that I would have had a major breakdown if I had to do another hospital drama. I pray every single day for God to just keep my kids safe and healthy. Walking into another hospital (I spent 25 days living there with Nate) is a fear that I don't want to have to conquer.
ReplyDeleteYou are one amazing mama Ashley!! I don't know you but I'm so proud of you!
Glad the surgery went well! Hoping for a speedy recovery for the lil man and happy belated birthday!
ReplyDeleteAshley, I am glad to hear you got out of there and have wondered how things have gone since then. I was worried for you that night wondering if this was rough on you and bringing back memories. And just for the record you always look like a babe, even with throw up on you!
Ashley I am glad to hear that you made it out of the hospital and I hope all is going better for you. I was worried about you that night and all the thoughts and feelings that were going through your head. By the way you look amazing even with throw up on you! I am glad God blesses us nurses to get IV's on little ones, I was praying!
ReplyDeleteWow what an experience, I could only imagine. Glad it's semi over and the healing process gets to begin. Only getting better from here. Great job Ledger for being a big boy! And of course you and pat for going back into a hospital!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, poor baby. My heart breaks for the little guy. I hope he is doing better.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are all home and he is doing better! Hopefully the rest of his recovery goes smoothly for you and Pat :)
ReplyDeletepoor little guy. So much for him to take in. I had my tonsils out a few years ago (aged 38) and that was no fun! I feel for you all and hope he is quickly on the mend x
ReplyDeleteOh reading that was traumatic, I can only imagine living it! All of those memories and fears being dredged up on top of watching your sweet boy suffer, it just breaks my heart. Hope that the next few weeks go better than planned and that you are getting lots of snuggles and kisses in.
ReplyDeletePoor man. I'm sorry it was so rough. Hope things are going better at home. xxx
ReplyDeleteMy goodness! What an ordeal :( It sucks there wasn't another way. Thank goodness it will all be worth it soon!! :D
ReplyDeleteOh that sounds like it was terrible for all of you! I am so sorry you had to re-live some of those smells, fears, and emotions from Preslee in the hospital. It is never easy to see your child suffer. I think I would have freaked out if my child was throwing up blood all over. You are one strong mama. I hope Ledger is doing better now.
ReplyDeleteI pray Ledger is starting to feel better. I'm sorry that he has had such a hard time, and it brought back painful memories of sweet little Preslee's stay at the hospital. I hope she was able to be there and be a comfort to you as well as to Ledger. Keeping you all in my prayers..
ReplyDeleteAhhh...I'm a new follower and this is my first post to read. Wow - you are such a strong and amazing family. I'm at a loss for words except for that I will be praying for Ledger's speedy, peaceful and comfortable recovery!! xo
ReplyDeleteHe is such a precious little guy! What a trooper he is and what wonderful and loving parents and grandparents he is blessed to have (and his angel sister watching from above and protecting him).
ReplyDeletePoor little guy. I hope he heals soon.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry he had to go through this! I can only imagine how strong you had to be going through that with him. I wish there was someway to help kids realize that doctors and nurses aren't that scary, but I guess when they are restrained and doing things that hurt you, I wouldn't want them near me either.
ReplyDelete(The other day, Wyatt stuffed a little light bright toy clear up into his nose and I couldn't get it out. We tried tweezers and the nose sucker and nothing would work. We spent hours being sent from place to place trying to find someone who would help him get it out. The doctor came in and we had to strap Wyatt to the table like an animal :( He looked completely frightened as they stuck a thing clear up his nose to see if it was in there. It definitely made it bleed and I didn't like that at all. It made me so sad. Anyway, now he's terrified at anyone trying to touch his nose or clean him up. He hates anyone that looks like a nurse. I don't know how to help him :(
I hope he is doing well and is completely recovered. Way to always be the strong support that your kids need. They've got a great girl for their Mommy.