Saturday we stocked the shack and headed to UT for our nephew's blessing in Bountiful.
Ledge slept till Pocatello, then cried the rest of the way there.
We received a call to inform us that the ice machine broke... we ended up having to close the shack early afternoon.
Lost hundreds of $$
UT is HOT! Ledge got a little tan. And wasn't a fan of the water at the pool.
Jack looked adorable in his little blessing outfit. My brother gave a great blessing and it was great to catch up with the fam. And Ledger didn't sleep the entire way home, even though it was nap time. Thank goodness he zonked when we put him down in his crib when we walked in the house.
Thanks for a great weekend Siddoway's!
Thanks for a great weekend Siddoway's!
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Hi -
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and have been following it since Preslee's accident. I am very impressed at your resilience. My 30 year old brother is really sick (just had a bone marrow transplant due to Leukemia) and that is so stressful, I can't imagine how hard it would be if it were one of my kids.
Anyway, I feel bad saying this and hope you don't get too many comments but it looks like Ledger is facing forward.
About 3 years ago the APA officially started recommending all kids stay backwards until they are 2 because it is much safer.
I know this can be difficult (my oldest get carsick so we flipped him at 18 months) but it is most definitely safer. Just something to consider.
My sisters favorite tip for travelling was to put the child behind the driver so it was easier for the passenger to entertain the child. They traveled from North Carolina to Alaska that way. It may help you next time you travel. He sure is a sweetie.
ReplyDeleteLedger looks sooo big in the pics with the balloon! He is so cute! We had that exact same blessing outfit (shoes and all) for Charlie! That stinks about the ice machine....I bet that's so frustrating.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a fun trip. I also wanted to comment on rear facing. Here are some links to look at the benefit of going as long as possible rear facing. My son is 18 months, 30 lbs, and 34 inches and he is still rear facing comfortably in a convertible carseat.
Please don't take offense to this because I didn't know about it until my son was 11 months and the pediatrician talked about rear facing until at least 2 and my son was very large and we were just waiting until he was 1.
ReplyDeleteI saw the images of Ledger in the backseat and thought the same thing Ashley. You are so lucky to have some many friends/famiy/blog readers looking out for your family.
ReplyDeleteI strongly encourage you to rear face Ledger in his seat as well. It is so super important. I would also recommend checking the manufacture/expiration date on the seat. Carseats are only good for 6 years from the date of manufacture.
An AWESOME site to shop on daily for get a smokin deal on a new carseat (should you need to) is
Hugs and much love!
Such a beautiful family!!
ReplyDeletePS Latex ballons in small people's mouths are crazy scary.....if they get popped by teeth and is a major choking hazard....very difficult to get out and they blocked the "windpipe"....impossible for little ones to breathe or get help......please don't be offended by my comment either.
I find it funny that people choose to comment on him facing forward!!! Really? Anyway, he looks so big in those balloon pictures. I'm glad you guys were able to make it down - the picture are adorable and I'm so sorry about the shack - hopefully you can make up for the lost money :)
ReplyDeleteSo I don't comment very often, but I have followed your blog for a long time... Ledger is adorable, and you are an AMAZING mom. If there is ONE thing I've learned since becoming a mom, it is that you and your husband know what is best for your child. And you are the ONLY ones who truly know what is best for them. The carseat/latex balloon comments are a little weird, and a definitely none of anyone's business but you and Patrick's. I'm glad you had a good time with family! You deserve it! :) more comment cause I'm so pissed right now about the comments people have left...if you have to start out a comment by saying "please don't be offended" you should never say it. And don't comment anonymously seriously! And ash you should just not allow these comments. It's your life your decisions and you don't have to allow anything that is demeaning to you on your blog. You are a great mom and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
ReplyDeleteI think each person decides what is best for their family in terms of seat-facing. You are his mom. You know what works best for you all.
ReplyDeleteWe turned our children around at 11 months. They were very large children and to keep them rear facing any longer would have been impossible.
I don't think anyone was trying to tell her she isn't a great mom. Actually just the opposite. Ashley seems like a great loving caring mom. But if there is proven research that something is safer I think it is important to tell someone. If people didn't care about her and her family they would say nothing. I think when you know better you do better. Do the research yourself and then see if you think it is important. I think that's all people were saying.
ReplyDeleteWow, people need to calm down. Especially about the balloon thing? This cute little boy is holding/playing with a balloon. Do some parents not allow that? She's taking a picture of the kid so obviously she's watching him! And the law says at 1 and 20 pounds a baby can be turned forward facing. Good thing the safety police are out to tell us all what THEY would do. Ashley your family is darling, and you are an amazing mama!
ReplyDelete-Mother of 3. Who all were turned forward facing at 1 and 20 AND play with balloons sometimes. *gasp*, I know!
ThanK you for sharing your life with the world. I know I have told you before, but your family has changed me... for the better...forever. My heart hurt a little for you when I read some of these comments. I'm sorry that you are being judged just for sharing your life, even if those judging seem to have no bad intentions. You are Ledger's mom, and Patrick his dad, and only you two know what is best for your child. I don't really have good advice other than let it roll off of your back. Everyone thinks they are an expert at something, but only you are an expert of your little boy. Thank you for sharing your world!
ReplyDeleteThose are really cute pictures from your weekend. I would like to say that I am surprised by all the negative comments but I am not. That's one of the things that drive me nuts about mothers. We are not only harsh on ourselves but we are harsh on others. We like to judge other mothers and say that they should be doing this or that. We are all trying to be the best mothers we can be and being judged by other mothers doesn’t help. I already give myself a bad enough time of what I am not doing as a mother, I don’t need someone else telling me too! Just keep doing what you’re doing – loving your son and sharing your story as inspiration. You’re doing your best and that’s all that matters!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I love your SnoShack stories. That was my first job at age 15 and I loved it! So many great memories!
I think y'all are seeing judgment where there isn't any. I didn't read any of the above comments that way. It seems to me people were checking to see if she was aware of some safety information regarding carseats. I didn't hear any "you are a bad mother for having him forward facing." If she's aware and has other reasons for making that choice, fine. But what's wrong with trying to be helpful by putting the information out there?
ReplyDeleteHow sad. I do not think ANYONE above was intending to be mean, rude or otherwise. I honestly feel they were trying to help.
ReplyDeleteI know as a Mom myself, I can not keep my pulse on ALL of the IMPORTANT childhood safety things out there. If someone points a hazard out to me, I am happy to listen and take note. I appreciate the help.
Ashley - I do not think you have ONE mean follower, they all love you and your family and only try to help.
Maybe these images were meant to be posted for a reason, maybe "we" were suppose to see these images and offer support.
I'm sure you get this a lot, but you dont know me. I was referred to your blog by a friend on facebook right after Preslee's accident and for awhile was addicted to it. You and your husband are such a shining example of faith and goodness and I cant believe the negative comments on here. It's just sad. I cant think of anything more annoying than other mothers talking down to me. Grrr... Anyway, thank you for sharing your life with me and so many others that you dont know. You truely are a wonderful example to all of us.
ReplyDeleteOne more comment from me! I am the one who first mentioned the rear facing seat. I hope no one feels that I said it unkindly. I most certainly did not intend to start a negative battle amongst readers.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to being a mother of 3 I am also a healthcare provider (Physician Assistant) and worked in pediatrics prior to having kids.
The comment from me was not one of judgement. I just trying to be informative. I really think there is a lack of knowledge regarding car seat safety amongst health care providers so a lot of pediatricians never mention it.
It is a personal decision once they are 12 months and 20 pounds as to whether or not you turn them around.
The question I have asked myself before flipping my kids was, "If I get in a car accident and god forbid something happen to my baby will I always wonder if the outcome been different had I left them rear facing?"
(We turned our older two around at 18 and 20 months due to motion sickness and no room for 2 rear facing seats when our 3rd was born.)
As a parent I don't think you need to defend your decisions to anyone else but I do think it is important to be well informed prior to making the more important decisions.
Anyway, again Ashlee and Patrick seem to be wonderful, kind, loving parents. My heart goes out to you and I wish you the best in life always.
I really enjoy reading your blog. I have learned a lot of great things from it. I feel that it is really rude of these people to comment on the car seat, it's none of their business. Well I guess the point of my comment is I hope that these people won't stop you from sharing because I really enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you had a wonderful trip Ashley, Ledger is adorable and I am so glad you have him :) You and Pat are wonderful parents!! And that's all that matters. Maybe you need to stop allowing anonymous comments, they seem to always be the ones that try and bring people down. Please don't let them do it to you! I think the world of you, you straighten my faith that's for sure!! Both Preslee and Ledger are lucky to have you
ReplyDeleteBaby jacks outfit is adorable! Ledger cute as always : ) rough ride to have him cry almost the whole time ugh. and if ledger partakes in the sour patch kids eating he is insane lol those things are sour haha!
ReplyDeleteDang, He is getting so big. The pictures of him running around with the balloon, my goodness soooo cute! Love him! I HATE horrible car rides it makes everything ten times worse but I guess thats where the sour patch kids come in, to keep you sane. We flipped Jax so he can watch the tv and it worked a miracle. (No worries everyone, I know the recommendations and I know the law, I'm his mama :) Next time try you're cool phone and let him watch the wiggles haha it's worth a shot.
ReplyDeletePlease dont let these nameless people convince you to end the comment section. I think you are an awesome mom and dad!!!!The Lords will be done either way hes facing in the car.Doesn't matter.I personally turned all 3 of mine at about 11 months, when they were not comfy backwards/.xoxoxox
ReplyDeleteI adore you and your family. Ledger always makes me smile, he's so full of life. The last time I took my 1 year old on a long trip, we gave him anything he wanted. Ha, I still can't get the red PowerAde out of my carpets.
ReplyDeleteNow, for the people leaving comments about the car seat. Your intentions are good, but the way you went about it IS offensive. If you were to meet Ashley on the street, would you stand at a pulpit and inform her about the car seat for everyone to hear? No, you wouldn't. Maybe next time, e-mail her, instead of publicly "informing" her.
I love your blog Ashley. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I know it's not easy to do.
I used to think balloons were dangerous...then I found out my first child (as an infant about 6 months old) had found a pack of water balloons. I got them away from him only to discover the next day that he'd eaten one. It was in his diaper.
ReplyDeleteNow, I'm not saying that kids should go around eating balloons, but I do think that many of us are paranoid about them unnecessarily. I'm happy I've been mellow about balloons with our next 5 children. They LOVE them. They play with them for a while and when they are done they send them to heaven to be with their brother, who died in a freak accident.
You're doing well with your children. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Your such a good mother and YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE that knows what is best for your child. I look forward to each new entry!
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ReplyDeleteQuit stirring the pot with carseats....facebook, instagram and now blogger? You may as well just put Ledger in a plastic bubble and then all will be well....until he pops the bubble with his sharp teeth.
Had fun seeing you guys. Wished we could hang out more often.
Whoa.....not sure what's wrong with a little education....especially from those who have seen the horrible consequences first hand. Not sure why someone would be offended by the offering of helpful advice.