While watching TV or looking at magazines, there always seems to be a story about an individual in the media that is twisted, exaggerated or even false. It's a common occurrence and we seem to witness it on a daily basis.

I've never been included in such situations, well, not until recently.
I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, (aka Mormon or LDS)
And with Mitt Romney running for President, there seems to be a lot of talk floating around about this religion in the media.

(Ann and Mitt Romney)
At first, I was intrigued by what others thought. Then, it became an eye opening experience to have others, who aren't members themselves, inform me of my beliefs.
My religion is a big part of who I am, so I guess I'm hoping to explain a big part of myself to you.

As a member of the LDS church, I can assure you the church has good intentions. Just like every other religion, the members aren't perfect, but one of the main things I've been taught while attending church is to "love thy neighbor" and serve those around me.
The LDS church gives money and welfare to members and nonmembers (I've heard otherwise) on a daily basis. Did you know once a month, members are encouraged to fast for 2 meals and donate what they would have spent on that food to the church? The donated money is called "fast offerings" and then spent to help individuals all over the world.
When tragedies or natural disasters happen, the LDS members are often the first to arrive, helping both physically and financially.

I've heard many different things about LDS Temples. I can assure you positive things happen inside. I recently came across this article, written by a woman of a different faith. She gives her point of view on our Temples.

Salt Lake City Temple
But, out of all the false statements that I've heard, the one that seems to bother me the most is when I am informed I am not a Christian.
My religion is a big part of who I am, so I guess I'm hoping to explain a big part of myself to you.

As a member of the LDS church, I can assure you the church has good intentions. Just like every other religion, the members aren't perfect, but one of the main things I've been taught while attending church is to "love thy neighbor" and serve those around me.
The LDS church gives money and welfare to members and nonmembers (I've heard otherwise) on a daily basis. Did you know once a month, members are encouraged to fast for 2 meals and donate what they would have spent on that food to the church? The donated money is called "fast offerings" and then spent to help individuals all over the world.
When tragedies or natural disasters happen, the LDS members are often the first to arrive, helping both physically and financially.

(Relief supplies staged at the Miami airport for shipment to Haiti, January 2010.
Mormon.org)I've heard many different things about LDS Temples. I can assure you positive things happen inside. I recently came across this article, written by a woman of a different faith. She gives her point of view on our Temples.

Salt Lake City Temple
But, out of all the false statements that I've heard, the one that seems to bother me the most is when I am informed I am not a Christian.
There's no doubt I would consider myself a Christian. For starters, look at the name of the church, Jesus Christ can be found in the title. I know I've shared many posts about my relationship with our Savior, and I do know that He lives and atoned for our sins. I've constantly leaned on Him throughout the past two years, and know it is because of Him my family will all be reunited someday.
Since the accident occurred, I've received e-mails asking questions about my beliefs as a member of the LDS faith. If you're interested in learning what we believe, visit this site here. You can start with viewing my profile, and search through hundreds more.

We believe the Book of Mormon goes right along with the Bible. Yes, we believe in the Bible, and believe the Book of Mormon is also scripture. Members are encouraged to read it on a daily basis.
If you are interested in reading this book, I'm more than willing to send you a copy with a personalized letter. Just send me an e-mail, or visit this site to request your own free copy.
If you are interested in reading this book, I'm more than willing to send you a copy with a personalized letter. Just send me an e-mail, or visit this site to request your own free copy.
I guess what I'm getting at is I hope you won't form an opinion about the LDS church or it's members solely based off what the media says-because it isn't all true. I can assure you that we don't have horns, we aren't polygamists, (I really am Patrick's only wife) we don't belong to a cult, all Mormon families don't have a million kids, and there are even some who would consider themselves democrats. :)
I have been able to learn so much about different religions from conversing with many of you through e-mail. I've learned that even though some of our beliefs may be different, we are often more alike than we think - we have good intentions, our family is incredibly important to us, and we try to be the best person we can be.
What could be more important than that?
(pictures taken from the internet)
Well said Ashley! I don't think I would have been able to write anything like that! Thanks! And thanks for always helping me build my testimony! You are such a strong woman and I look up to you so much!
ReplyDeleteThank you Ashley - that was exactly what I would have said, and thanks for taking a stand on it and trying to help educate people on what we do and do not believe. Plus I loved the comment about you being Pat's only wife. :)
ReplyDeletebeautifully written! I am glad that our church is so out in the open now...and yet it's scary too. My hope is that ALL people {mormons included} will be kind to others and accepting of others beliefs. That is the wonderful thing about this country....is our freedom to choose our own beliefs! Thank you for posting this!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow Ash! That was awesome! You really do help me and so many people's testimony whether they are LDS or not. It is very heartbreaking that the media says such disturbing false things about us.
ReplyDeleteHi Ashley,
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for the past year or so -- can't remember now how I found you, but I'm so glad I did :)
I just wanted to respond to this and say that I'm not a Mormom (I'm a protestant Christian), I have the utmost repsect for Mormons and for your faith. Some of th true and genuine Christians I know are Mormons and I also really admire the Church's social welfare programs. I think more non-Mormon Christians would follow your Chruch's example, in this regard. I'm sorry you feel that you have to defend your Church from unfair attacks but I just wanted you to know that there are non-Mormon Chrisitians out there who who admire and support you (and by "you", I mean that in th global sense :)).
One of the reasons I continued to read your blog after the initial publicity was because I knew we had someone of your faith probably going to be in the national spotlight. As a Catholic, I remember back to all the misinformation I saw when John Kennedy ran for the presidency. Your steadfast faith has shown me more about Mormons than I've ever known. The quotes from your Elders show me that we have more in common than I thought. You, personally, are touching more people in a spiritual way than most preaching. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you, this was perfect.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAlways good with words Ashley! Well said!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post. As a non-Mormon, I do have the utmost respect for your religion and I'm sorry you all have been misrepresented in the media.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, but I've been reading your blog for quite sometime now. I've also been a follower of many other blogs, all of which are affiliated with LDS and let me say this ...
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot I do not know about the Mormom beliefs, but I will say what I have learned, know about, and have read, that I think it's an unbelievable family to be a part of! I love the beliefs of the atonement, the FHE, and just the bond to families. Incredible!
And I'm hoping that Mitt Romney is elected into office so more light can be shed on the strength of the beliefs the Mormons have.
That's all! :)
I love this! Thanks for posting Ashley :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for clearing all these things up. I had been meaning to do the same, but I don't think I could have ever written it so beautifully like you just did. I thank you a million times. You're wonderful.
ReplyDeletewho wrote the Book of Mormon? If it wasn't God-breathed, it is not scripture.
ReplyDeleteI am really asking because I am curious who wrote it? A Man? A woman? God? Is it "lost" scripture? Why are you encouraged to read it? Are you also encouraged to live by it like you are encouraged to live by the Bible?
I guess I should get my hands on one of these books to see what it's all about.
Just like the Bible the Book of Mormon was written by ancient prophets. Beginning with Lehi's family and Nephritis after they left Jerusalem. It wasn't written by God per se, but it was inspired by God. But that is the same as the Bible. God didn't write the Bible, but his prophets who he inspired and spoke to did. Therefore it becomes the word of God. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. I would highly encourage you to go to website Ashley posted and request a free copy. If you read it, you will see the similarities it has with the Bible. I promise, as someone who has read this book and is currently re-reading it, you will not be disappointed. It is a true book. That is another misconception about our church is that we believe Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon. We actually believe that he translated the Book of Mormon. With the help of God.
DeleteYou don't know me, but I worked with your brother Dustin for a while in Logan. I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your blog. Your strength is amazing and the spirit seams to leap out of the screen every time I read your posts. There have been many days that your words have strengthened my testimony and made me want to be a better person and mother. Thank you for sharing, you're simply inspirational and I am so thankful for that!
ReplyDeleteThis was perfect. I am a cousin of the Suttons (Jill and Randy's kids) I have grown up learning about the church. I am not a member, but know more than the average non-member. I too find myself having to defend what you guys believe. I often have to explain to people that you are in fact Christians and only have one wife. Your post was perfectly said with just the right amount of passion feeding your words. Thank you so much for sharing everyday.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that others will claim that Mormons aren't Christians bothers me too. I have considered posting something much shorter, but similar on FB about this exact thing. Thank you so much for putting this out there. It bothers me to think there are those who believe that we believe in a different Jesus than they do. I believe that Jesus, the same one in the Bible atoned for my sins and also for all of the pains that I would endure in this life. Thank you so much for this post!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Ashley! I have been a member now for 7.5 years and know that I could never put into words what you just said. I do hope Mitt Romney gets elected, if not for any other reason than just so the world can see that you can be a Mormon and a good person/great leader at the same time. ;) I love getting online and seeing that you have updated your blog. It makes me happy. :) Thanks for your encouragement and wisdom!
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous:
ReplyDeleteThe Book of Mormon is a record of an Ancient people that left Jerusalem in about 600 BC and traveled to the Americas. It has the history of their lives as well as their testimonies of Christ. It was written by many men and passed down through history. A man named Mormon took all the records and put them together much like King James did when he compiled the King James version of the Bible. The plates were buried in a hill in New York until the 1820's when Joseph Smith was inspired to find them and translate them. It was as much "God-breathed" as the Bible. Christ himself visited with the people on that continent after his resurrection just as he did Jerusalem. We are encouraged to read it along with the Bible as they both are Testaments of Christ. You may request a free copy from lds.org and see for yourself what it contains.
Well put, you don't know me but I follow you and I just love you and your cute little family, I have been a member now for 5yrs.and it was the best decision ever. I swore I'd never convert but why?? Who wouldn't want to have this in their life? The Book of Mormon is hands down best book you'll ever read! Well said and thanks for sharing and comparing! AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteHi Ashley,
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post. I am not a Mormon, but I was raised with Mormon beliefs and most of my family are members. I find it sad that the only things that are known of the religion are the negetive assumptions. I do find the values of Mormons very honorable and while I myself am not a practicing member, I will always respect and honor those who are.
God Bless you and your beautiful family.
You are such a great example of faith, hope and a strong, unshakable testimony! I appreciate you sharing your life and feelings with us, so many people you have never met but touched in ways you'll never know. I have felt the Spirit so many times while reading your blog. I have also been feeling what you've described in this post, your words were inspired. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWell said! If there has been any religion I have always wanted to know more about it is probably the Morman church. I have never really understood the huge difference in mormans and christians (and you said you are a christian too!) but I don't have a bad thing to say about any morman I have ever met. I enjoy learning about other religions! I think the Lord knows our hearts and as long as you are right with him then that's what matters. Loved this post! And loved you went about the topic with a kind spirit :)
ReplyDeleteYou (with helpers from above:) are doing such great service through your blog! Love the inspiration you exude :)
ReplyDeleteAshley, I am not a Mormon, I am a strong Protestant Christian. I have many friends and read several blogs written by Mormon people. I believe you (broad sense) are the most caring people and devout people of many. Your families are so important and supportive. I have read your blog since Preslee's accident. You are a strong woman, although sometimes I know you don't feel like it and an inspiration to many. I have lost 2 children and I can imagine the pain you have suffered. I am enjoying watching Ledger grow. Blessing to your family.
Very well said!! I feel like all of this media stuff with presidentl campains is making me so mad! I love your blog and always look forward to your posts! You are awesome!
ReplyDeleteYour testimony is beautiful. I have been following your blog for awhile now and have yet to comment, but I felt like I should today. I am also a member of the LDS church and your testimony inspired me. Your blog reminds me daily what is important and I hope that one day I can become half of the amazing mom, wife, and person you are. Thank you for always being honest and inspiring. You truly are amazing!
I have secretly been hoping you would write a post like this for a while now. I am a part of the Wesleyan Church and I have been exposed to a lot of information through media and other sources about the Mormon faith.
ReplyDeleteSo, to better educate myself on the differences in theology etc. I have read reputable books. I am currently on my second one!
It's interesting to see the facts I have read displayed here on your blog about the LDS church. I still have a lot more to read, but I am becoming more educated. Although I do not have some of the same exact beliefs theologically, I see no need to openly bash those in the LDS church.
Thanks for posting. Still praying for you and your family!
Well said.
ReplyDeletePerfect Ashley. I hope you don't mind that I shared this post because it was said perfectly <3
ReplyDeleteAshley I have been reading your blog now for over a year and I just want to say I really love this post! You have used your trial and turned it into such a positive experience. And look at all these folks who are not of our faith who are also reading and backing our religion up!!! I think this is amazing. And I feel like Mitt Is really going to turn this country around. People will I think be pleasantly surprised by the honesty we try to live by and just the basic teachings of Christ. I just love you and I don't even know you in person (but of course would love to meet you someday). I also really hearted your picture of Ellen on Draw Something! Way awesome!
ReplyDeleteNicely said, Ashley!
ReplyDeleteI am Catholic and we are often bashed by the media as well. It is very frustrating! A presidential campaign seems to bring out the worst in the media, too...
Ashley, I too discovered your blog right after the accident. I am a Christian... a member of the Assemblies of God. I became very interested in your faith after I started reading your blog, and many others by girls in the LDS church. I love the love that your families have for eachother, and it seems like you guys really have a deep relationship with God. AG churches do as well, but we get a bad wrap as well, because of all of the televangelists out there, who are sometimes looking at dollar signs instead of souls. I actually contacted an AG pastor up in SLC because I wanted to find out from a perspective that I was familiar with, what the differences were. He basically just told me that the reason that a lot of people make assumptions, and consider it a cult, is because you really have to convert to fully grasp what you are taught. I believe though, that no matter what Christian church you are a part of, as long as you carry a relationship with the father, and live your life as such, then the sign over the door doesn't really matter. God is the judge of us, and Im thankful that he didn't give ME that job. :)
ReplyDeleteWell said Ashley. We are all fortunate to live in a country where we all have freedom of religion. I am a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am proud to be a member. I think you represent the best of us. You are loving kind faithful true to what you believe accepting of others and have set a wonderful example of what Christ wants us to be like. Thank you for sharing our beliefs and reminding all of us to be more tolerant of others but standing up for our own beliefs too. You are one amazing woman. Mary from SLC Utah
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your testimony. I love how freely you share the spirit on your blog
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your testimony. I love how freely you share the spirit on your blog
ReplyDeleteThis was wonderful! I too, am very bothered by people saying that we aren't Christian. Because our beliefs differ from theirs, they say we aren't Christian. I don't understand why people believe this when, like you said, Jesus Christ is in the name of our church. We don't all believe the same thing and that's ok! But don't say that I am not Christian just because our beliefs differ. To be Christian, you believe in and follow Christ, which we do.
ReplyDeleteI've followed your blog for a while now, and have prayed for your sweet family since I discovered you. I have not ever commented, until now.
ReplyDeleteAs a Catholic living in the Bible Belt, I can identify with much of what you've said. I've been informed that I worship Mary, statues, that I'm not "saved", and most annoyingly, that I'm not a Christian. Like you, since Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior, I'm not sure what we are, if not Christian. I try to educate people when I feel it's possible, and there are also the times I just accept the fact that arguing with ignorance is pointless.
I have a soft spot for Mormons, maybe because in this small middle Tennessee town in which we live, I feel like we outsiders should stick together. And maybe it's because, without fail, every Mormon I've ever met has been such a kind person--truly Christlike in behavior. Which in my opinion says all I need to know about a religion.
Beautiful. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ashley,
ReplyDeleteI am a member of the Apostolic Christian Church here in middle America, though we do have hundreds of churches all across America and in other countries, we also get a lot of criticism of how we practice our beliefs. We are accused of being an occult which I find strange as we are a very open, loving church that is very giving and involved in our local communities along with worldly outreaches. It is an our outward appearances that is off putting to people as we tend to dress conservatively depending on the persons personal convictions. But people think it is a forced church requirement which it is not, it is just a choice by that member and you see all levels of dress by each individual. My wish for all faiths is that people out side of that faith would take time to get to know more before making judgements. All faiths have things/people that make for bad publicity but do not define that religion as a whole. Our faith is so much bigger than that!!!
I started following your blog through my sister-in-laws who herself lost a sweet daughter through drowning at 2 1/2 years old. I have loved following your journey as I have also followed hers. You have such a wonderful love of your faith and in this world today that is such a blessing. I consider you a sister in Christ even though we do not share the same faith. The devil would love to divide us all by judgement and criticism but we can't let him win that battle!!
Love ya girl! Keep the faith!!
This was beautifully written. My whole family are converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was the missionaries, reading the Book of Mormon and the Bible together, and the example of members like you that brought our family to that point. We are so blessed for it. We have so much peace in our homes now. Thank you for writing this in a loving and respectful manner.
ReplyDeleteWonderful post Ashley.
ReplyDeleteAmen. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAshley, so well written. Thank you for taking the time to make this clarification and to create awareness for others.
ReplyDeleteIt's people like you who make me want to be better. I really appreciate you speaking our for our spiritual beliefs and the reason why we do the things we do. As Preslee continues her work on the other side you are, here, doing the same. My belief is that you are both engaged in the same work- bringing souls to our Savior. I'm sure she's more than proud of her amazing mom. When I read this post D&C 18: 15-16 came to mind. Because we all know you (and Pres) have most certainly done this. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend. You deserve the best!!
ReplyDeleteI have LDS friends and I have to say they have strong morals and family values and are hurt people accuse them of not being Christian. I mean, the definition OF "Christian" is one who believes in and follows Christ and it's even in their NAME: The Church of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter-Day Saints.I think it's just that people fear what they don't know and are wary of what they don't understand.
ReplyDeleteYou're so interesting! I do not believe I have read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few original thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!
ReplyDeletemy web page > aanbieding last minutes boeken
I found your blog at random (friend of a friend of a friend) and I hope you don't mind my reading it. I had to comment on this post because I agree with you completely. I personally consider myself a pluralist more than anything--I believe all paths to God are valid, and while I believe in God I don't subscribe to one religion in particular. I get offended when Mormons (and Catholics as well) are deemed not Christian, because it's ridiculous. I think your faith is beautiful, and it's clear from reading your blog that it has given your life a lot of meaning and brought you a lot of peace in some very difficult times. And that's a wonderful thing!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am so sorry for the loss of your little girl--I can't imagine what you must have gone through. Based on the small amount I read, I admire your strength.