Ledger was blessed on August 7th. Patrick gave a beautiful blessing, I was so proud of him. I got emotional as I watched Patrick, Great Grandpas, Grandpas, and uncles surround Ledger. Its so neat to see your child surrounded by so many family members who love them. I couldn't help but think about the last time I felt that way - when Preslee's uncles carried her casket out of the same chapel. It was a sight and feeling I'll never forget. I could feel their love for Preslee, and there was a similar feeling last Sunday. We've been blessed with an incredible amount of family support. Thank you to those who came to support little Ledger, we love you.

I felt bad all the pictures we have Ledger is crying in them! Oh well, he was a champ during the blessing and didn't make a peep!

Grandma and Grandpa Siddoway

Grandma and Grandpa Sullenger

Great Grandma and Grandpa Wightman

Great Grandma and Grandpa Siddoway

loved his little outfit and your new header!
ReplyDeleteBaby blessings are so special and sacred. I'm thankful for the Priesthood and for the blessing it is to have that ordinance for our infants. I have cried at both my boys blessings, I'm so thankful they have the gospel. I always love reading your honest thoughts and sentiments. Thanks for sharing your families pics to show everyone how special baby blessings are. You are so blessed to have so many wonderful family members to always sustain you and support you. I have that same grey cardigan! I love it! You look so beautiful. -jen noble
ReplyDeleteI love the new header and how it includes your entire family :-) Thanks for sharing all of the photos too - such a happy day!
ReplyDeleteVery cute pictures :D and nice new layout :D
ReplyDeleteSo cute! So precious!! Your hair is beautiful by the way :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a darling little guy, congrats on the blessing day, such a special day for the family.
ReplyDeleteReading your post below I find a lot of similarities in how I feel with my new baby after my son's death...it is hard and definitely bittersweet. He has definitely healed apart of me that I never thought would heal BUT at the same time reminders of what I have lost :( I hate that he wont know his brother and will only be able to "know" him through videos/pictures and visiting his grace. It is such a hard thing to deal with and unless people have been there...no one understands. People except me to just be "happy" now.
so sweetly cute :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy we could be there! We love that little man!
ReplyDeleteI love his outfit! Great pics and I'm glad it was a great day!
ReplyDeleteWish we lived closer for occasions like this! So glad you are good about taking pictures so we can be apart of seeing his special day!! Love that little baby boy!
ReplyDeleteLooks like it was a perfect day! I love Ledger's outfit! I LOVE yours as well! You look GREAT! I like the changes you made to your blog too! Very nice!
ReplyDeleteI love his little blessing outfit, he is such a beautiful baby. I'm sad we couldn't be there for his blessing, I bet Pat did such a good job! You look so good Ash! I love your outfit :)
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL!!! One word to describe it all! Your boy, you, your family, the day...all beautiful! Thank you for your comment on my last blog. You don't know how much that meant to me! It was like getting a post from a favorite celebrity I was so excited! You are a true inspiration to me in many ways. I LOVE reading your blog because you are so honest, humble, and just real! You talk about the hard stuff and it's people like me that need to know I'm not the only one who cries and hurts. I know you do to. I am so excited and happy for you to have Ledger and feel that again. When you talked about seeing the light in Pat's eyes again...I could totally understand that. I think the light is still gone in both Zach and I's right now but I long for that day when I see it in his again. Thank you...for being you! I know that you hear this a lot but I admire and look up to you so much!
Tessie Friedli
Love the new header too. And priesthood blessings are so wonderful. To feel the spirit of the Lord working through the fathers as they give babies blessings of love and comfort.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your special blessing day. I have a brand new baby that we are blessing soon and I am in love with Ledger's outfit. Do you mind me asking where you got it from?
ReplyDeleteKale, I ordered his blessing outfit off of Amazon. It was pretty cheap :) Hope that helps!
ReplyDeleteThe pictures from our daughters blessing day are the same! All crying, or me holding the pacifier in her mouth. lol But just as Ledger, she was amazingly quiet during her blessing. I think she was listening intently to her Grandpa. =)