Can you believe Ledger is 2 months? In the last week he has really put on some weight and filled out.
Today the little guy had his two month checkup.
He was 11 lbs even, which puts him in the 30th percentile
50th percentile for height
6th percentile for his head (No Siddoway head for this little guy)
I know these posts are usually boring facts for everyone else, but here are just a few things I want to record for the future.

I've yet to be able to capture it on camera, but Ledge has the biggest wide mouth crooked smile I've ever seen. It melts my heart.
He's showing more attitude and personality every day. And he's probably crying because I put a hippo hat on him. haha

He's starting to sleep through the night, going about 8 hours. He's finally getting into a good schedule and seems to know when we swaddle him at night that it's bed time. I'll watch him on the monitor and he'll lay quietly up to 30 min before he falls asleep.
His little quiver lip is going strong! His bottom lip quivers when he's excited or really upset. (Just like Pres)
His hair fell out, and left this attractive mullet.

He wants to stand and jump. He will tolerate his swing for about ten minutes, but the vibrating chair still works wonders.

He still hates the bath, but does a little better.

Classic Ledger face.

This was just too cute not to post.

My little buddy is growing up awfully quick, I can't wait to see what is in store for us in the future.
He sure is a handsome little guy!
ReplyDeleteAww :-)
ReplyDeleteHe's so cute! And he certainly is your little guy! It was so fun to finally meet him on Sunday! That picture with grandpa is so precious!
ReplyDeleteLots of fun and love im sure is what is in store for you. Love the new set up of the blog to include the beautiful Preslee and Ledger pictures.
ReplyDeleteHe is so dang cute! I think he looks alot like Preslee. When I was looking at the picture of him in the bumbo I looked over to the right and the 1st picture of Preslee under "Below is Preslee's Story" was right there, their expressions are so similiar and they look alot alike. They are both so darling!!!
ReplyDeletewhat a sweet boy! he's so cute and i think he looks a lot like Pat.
ReplyDeleteHe is one of the cutest little guys i've ever seen! So adorable!
ReplyDeleteHe really is adorable. And looks so stinkin cuddly! I wanna hold him :) Maybe I should just have another baby ha ;) Aww and i love that picture with him and your dad!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie! He's starting to look like Pat more & more!
ReplyDeleteHow PRECIOUS! Love it.
ReplyDeletehe is so cute and i LOVE your new blog header!
ReplyDeleteHe's a cutie! You're doing a great job!
ReplyDeleteHe really is a beautiful baby!! I want to meet him one of these times when we're in Rexburg. And how nice that he sleeps 8 hours!!
ReplyDeletehe is so beautiful! i love the picture of him sitting in the little baby chair. what a cutie!!!
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to meet you today Ashley! Like I said, "you are amazing!" Thank you for sharing your story with the world, it's an amazing one. Enjoy that cute little boy of yours, he is so CUTE!
(from Rexburg Rapids ;)
He is for sure getting a bit chunky, but I love it! I love his facial reactions. And what a precious one at the end! Keep on growing little one, you are doing GREAT! Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteThe 'boring' stats are just what everyone wants to know. Ledger is perfect! Glad he's sleeping well for you and I hope it continues. What a cute little guy!
ReplyDeleteHe is so beautiful. They grow up so fast. I can't believe he is two months old. I have five children. My oldest will be 14 and it seems like just yesterday he was born. Every moment is special.
ReplyDeleteAdorable! Love his little angry face in the bathtub :o)
ReplyDeleteAnd mullets aren't so bad...he rocks it.
How the heck do you get him to sleep through the night?? Share the secrets :)
ReplyDeleteI know you do not know me from the person down the road, but I want you to know that you inspire me so much. You and your husband's strength and faith in God are amazing and something I draw some strength from. Thank you for being someone to look up to and help build my faith in God. Your family is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie. I really could use one of those vibrating chairs right about now. Dang, it looks so comfy!
ReplyDeleteBoth my kids hated bath time too, what I found worked best was to run the bath and actually just get us both in there and that they liked it fine if most of the body was under water. I confess that with my little man, I did more of a put him in the bath time chair and let him take a bath with me hovering and bis sis in with him, but since big sis is doing her duty as a guardian angel instead of here beside him I figure in with you would probably be great fun for both of you.