A viewing will be held to honor our little Jo Jo Monday July 19, 2010 at 7:00-8:30 PM at the Eckersell Funeral Home in Rigby Idaho. (On the corner of Main and State st.)
A funeral will take place at 11 AM on Tuesday July 20, 2010 at the Rigby Stake center next to the Jr. High and city park in Rigby Idaho. There will be a short viewing before at 10 AM at the church as well.
We are extremely grateful for the love and support we have received over the past week. We will forever be in debt for the kindness and sympathy friends, family, and strangers have shown. Thank you for the prayers, we feel them during this difficult time. It's whats given us the strength to keep going. We feel so comforted in knowing our little monkey is free from pain and is in heaven so very happy. We love her more than words can express and can't wait for a joyful reunion in the future.
I again am so sorry for your loss. Im sure will you draw people from all over to pay tribute to little Preslee and the courage that she had. I know that we don't always know why things happen and the feeling that you shouldnt ever have to bury your own child-but Heavenly Father has a plan and one day we will all understand. Preslees work on this earth is done.
ReplyDeleteI still weep for Ms. Preslee. I thought about her all night.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you guys. Nothing, nothing can make this pain disappear.
I would love to send you guys some flowers, is there a way I can donate flowers for the services?
I want you to know that I am so deeply sorry to hear about your sweet baby.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you. Every single one.
From a heart that knows, at least a little,
Natalie Norton
That will be a joyous day and she will come running to your arms again and say Mommy, Daddy, where have you been, I missed you.
ReplyDeleteYou are great people, never forget that not even one day, even when you are questioning yourself, your testimonies, etc. You are here for a purpose as well.
My heart breaks for you and my tears are shed; I've prayed for your family for days and there are no words other than to say I grieve with you tonight even though we have never met.
ReplyDeleteAlso she will meet you on the other side of the veil and tell you thanks for all you did for me, and say I love you and missed you.
ReplyDeleteYou have touched me in so many ways words can't even describe it. You are great parents who are strong and she will your strength when you have to start over again as a family.
I am so sorry to hear about your little angel. My prayers are with your family
ReplyDeleteMackenzie komant ( edmonton alberta, canada)
Pat and Ashley we are so sorry for your loss, we only met her once but you can tell from your blog she is precious and so adorable. We marvel at your faith and courage. My heart aches for you. Our prayers will continue to be with you as you go through the hardest trial there is i believe. Love Chad and Kristy
ReplyDeleteYou are so beautiful...and I can feel the Lord's light upon you as I read your words. I know she is close to you at this time. There must be so many angels surrounding you, both Heavenly and earthly, bearing you up. I wish we could be there...if all of those you have touched came together for the funeral there would not be space enough to contain us. We love you and little Preslee so much...my husband and I have wept all day long. Crystal
ReplyDeleteThinking about and praying for your sweet family.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you.
ReplyDeleteAnd what a sweet reunion that will be! We wish you guys so much peace and comfort during this time. What a sweet little angel who will always be yours.
ReplyDeleteI can't get your family off my mind. I pray that this time may be easier as time continutes on. May you bask in her memory. She is an adorable little girl, just think of the work she is doing in heaven. And she is now with her beloved heavenly father- what a great joy to know.
ReplyDeleteLove and prayers from strangers (but family in Christ) in Arkansas. Your daughter was indeed an angel. Your faith at this time is an encouragement to all, and has touched us deeply.
ReplyDeleteHoping you can find even a small amount of comfort at this difficult time.. Remember, it is all part of the plan we chose, Even if it dosen't seem fair right now. One day when you are reunited it will all be worth it. Keep the Faith. Praying for Peace....
ReplyDeleteAshley and Pat,
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers and with you and your family. God Bless You and your beautiful baby, Preslee.
Families are eternal....Preslee is an amazing spirit who has touched many lives....even those who have never met her!
ReplyDeleteWhat great comfort in knowing she will always be yours....
I was so hopeful last night when I logged on to check on Preslee's condition, and in shock to see that she had passed. I cried hard.. I'm not religious; although I was raised LDS, and I don't begin to understand how all this works, but I do believe that there is a thin veil that separates the spirit world from our own... and it's comforting to think that she is in the arms of family. Keep her name on your lips and her face in your heart. You will see her again someday. I can't imagine your loss, but I hope for a wonderful future for you both. She lives on in you! Sending lots of love your way!
ReplyDelete~Samantha Hardy
I am one more heart that has broken for you and your sweet little family, one more person that has cried over your loss, one more person that has been changed for the better, one more mother who has slowed down to enjoy each moment with her dear child, and one more testimony that has been strengthened, all because of YOUR profound courage and strength and your sweet Preslee’s life. -A small but wondrous life full of perfect love and light that will continue burning brightly.
ReplyDeleteI know I am just “one more person,” but please know that I add my love and faith and prayers to your aching hearts at this time.
Ashley, you have always been such a beautiful person from the very core. You are full of zest, and fight, and goodness. I have been blessed just to have known you and am so glad our lives crossed paths and we formed a lasting friendship…I just haven’t seen ya for a while.
Pat, you are one tough guy, an obvious anchor to your family. Preslee was and is lucky to have you as her “forever father”.
Brittany (Rammell) Crane
Praising God for Preslee, and praying for strenghth for you both. *HUGS*
ReplyDeleteWe are just heartbroken over what your sweet family has and is going through. Your faith, courage and trust in the Lord are shining examples to everyone.please know that you are in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteSimon Family from GA
May God bless your family for the little girl you were given. I am so sorry for your loss but so overjoyed that you had her. She looks like she was a truly amazing little girl. My daughter is 4 months younger than Preslee, my heart aches for you. Although I have just found your blog today, I will forever be thinking of your family. I am one more person who will no longer take the small things for granted. Little Preslee has touched so many lives that she has never met.
ReplyDeletePrayers go out to your family.
Abby, Brent, and Charlotte
i'm again so sorry for your loss she was a precious angel sent from heaven and she's done her work here on earth and is ready to return to live with him again i'm sure it will be a beuatiful service i've shed so maNY tears for you and your family preslee was a beautiful open minded little girl i never met you guys but i can tell from your blog that your great people i love your sweet baby girl i'm so sorry for your loss pat and ash let christ be with you during this forever sad time love you baby girl i'm again so sorry for your loss luv u guys even if we've never met
ReplyDeleteAgain I AM Sorry about ur loss! Our love is with u!.. I have been praying so much By myself and with My family. Cassidee Garner
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your testimonies and family with strangers like us. You've been in our hearts and prayers all week. And now we "mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort."
ReplyDeleteOur hearts have been changed by your sweet Preslee and we'll never be the same. Thank You!
A mommy in South Florida
I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord bless you and comfort you during this difficult time. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeletei pray that you rec'v comfort during your time of loss. i know that hevenly father is holding your little girl in his arms right this moment.... looking down and sending you blessings.
ReplyDeletemay your heart be mended and your spirit touched by the fact she is no longer suffering.
I am truly sorry for your loss!! Family is the most important thing & the bond between parent and child is the strongest. You stood by Preslee's side as she faced her trial, just as your parents stand by your side as you face your trial, just as our Heavenly Father stands by his children as they face their trials. I have never met your family but I am certain that Preslee will do as much good where she is at now as she did her on earth. Yours will be a sweet reunion & the time you spend apart will seem like minutes compared to the eternities you will spend together. You are not only in my thoughts and prayers but are also in my heart.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. I found your site through one of my blogs. The lady asked us to pray for your family and my family has been doing that. We will continue to pray that God gives you peace and strength when you need it and a lifetime of memories of your beautiful little girl. Her pain and suffering are gone and she can look over you as you have since she was born.
ReplyDeleteHugs Stacy and family (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
I am so very sorry for your loss. As many have said-words can not express how sorry.
ReplyDeleteMay you find peace in the memories of your sweet baby and know that she lives forever in your hearts.
Peace & love.
I don't know what to say that might not sound trite. I just found your blog (via Makeitandloveit.com) and am just so heartbroken for your loss. With that, I am incredibly inspired by your profound faith. I know you have countless prayers going up in your behalf this weekend, but I hope our Heavenly Father will allow mine to kick in once the quiet time comes and the memories are more poignant. May He bless you for your faith and example. Thank you for sharing your journey with our family! I'll hug mine a little tighter, thanks to what you've shared.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your strong examples during this incredibly difficult time. You are a strength to our testimonies. Our hearts go out to you at the separation you now have with sweet Preslee, but we rejoice with you in the knowledge that it is temporary and that you can see her and hold her again and be together forever. The heartache you must have we can only imagine, but we hope you will find comfort in the knowledge that she is safe forever. We are praying for you. Sincerely, Joel and Lisa Judkins family
ReplyDeleteAsh and Pat, I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry about your precious preslee. There is not a second that goes by that I'm not thinking about you and pat. It's a wonderful thing knowing that families are forever. I love you and you are in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteMy heart aches for you both. I mourn for your loss,I cry for you sadness and a pray for your peace. We showed pictures and explained Preslee's story to our 2 year old. She felt her spirit. We asked if she want to pray for Preslee and she said, "yes!" Then we led her in the prayer.
ReplyDeleteI admire your strength, faith and understanding of the Lord and his plans. It's not easy I'd imagine. I cried, *sobbed* for you guys, your sweet daughter and your home full of her spirit and memories.
I reflected on my 2 year old daughter. The little sweet spirit god has lent to me. I held her tighter, kissed her extra kisses and spoke a little softer. I reflected on how much I need to love her day in and day out, for I never know when our father will call her home too! Preslee's story encourages me to have faith in his plan an timing for us. Thanks.
I pray for her happiness and memories you gave her and she gave you!
Jenks Family
(We are unknown to you, but we have followed your story from a friends blog(Marty) who kindly has asked friends to help pray in your behalf)
What an experience to go through that you two just have. My husband and I have both shed tears many times for Preslee--but how glad we are for you that your precious little girl is sealed to you. I am so glad Linsy and Jamie and Cash and Cara and the rest of your family have been able to be with you during this most difficult time. You are in our prayers still...
ReplyDeletethe Bunkers
I am so so sorry for your loss. I came across your blog from another blog and I was immediately entranced in your story for my daughter's name is also Presley. I also live in Idaho. I have kept your family in our prayers and I also put your names in the temple. May you find peace and comfort at this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteI am just another stranger who has been touched and strengthened by your sweet little Preslee. I'm sorry that your tragedy has been what has strengthened my testimony, has renewed my spirit and desire to return to the temple and has reminded me to love and hug my only daughter of God just a little bit stronger and a little bit longer. I plan to donate a portion of my material blessings from my business to your fund. The plan of salvation is so beautifully thought out by a loving Heavenly Father who's ultimate desire is to bring us all back home to dwell in joy with our loved ones eternally. What comfort!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing little spirit your daughter is - with a work only she could do. I can't help but think she hasn't stopped the work she was asked to do, just finishing it on the other side. I pray that one day I can thank her for the lessons she has taught me of our Savior's love, power and the amazing peace we have in knowing that life isn't the end. Thank you little Preslee. She was definitely blessed with amazing parents. We will continue to keep your family in our prayers, that you may find the comfort & peace you yearn for. Thanks for the reminders of how precious life is and how far our faith in God can take us. You are amazing examples.
ReplyDeleteI am so terribly saddened for you and for your family. I cannot express how your faith has restored my own throughout this struggle, but I will say that I have questioned my feelings of hardness towards God during prior trials in my own life. I don't believe I could ever react that way again and still hold my head up.
ReplyDeleteFor God to give little Preslee at such a young age the task of drawing masses of people to Him, and seeing her so clearly fulfill that, is an honor to her spirit indeed. I'm sure God certainly said to her "Well done, my good and faithful servant".
In her short life, she has taught families to draw closer, love harder, look at each other a bit differently, and to appreciate what they have. She has taught people that what they make big deals of in their lives, may not be that big afterall. Your family's faith and perserverence has taught people to step back and reevaluate their own lives, and maybe live it a bit differently, and with more purpose.
As tragic as this has been, and will continue to be, it is still a testament of God's love for His people. He gave her a home with you while she fulfilled His purpose here on earth. She has already been rewarded, and no doubt, you and your family will be too. Remember, He took the life of his own son and brought him to be at his side in heaven because He knew that was where he would be able to reach out touch the most people. Little Preslee's sacrifice of life is an honor unto the Lord himself.
God bless you and keep you in the days and weeks ahead. You will remain in my prayers.
I am so sorry for the loss of your angel girl. I pray that you will be comforted by our Heavenly Father. I'm sorry that your loss is needed to help me remember to take the little extra time to be slow to anger with my little ones. Preslee will always be your daughter and will always be watching over your family. In times like these, I am so grateful for our knowledge of eternal families!
ReplyDeleteOur prayers and thoughts have been and will continue to be with you all. I have been so touched by your sweet little family and I am in awe of the strenght of your faith and testimonies. May the Lord bless you as you stand in need of comfort at this time. What a beautiful little spirit she must be - and what a sweet reunion you will have someday.
ReplyDeleteMarcie Bourne(Alisha's cousin)
No one will truly know or understand the path your family is about to embark on...after all the attention, the services, the kind notes and words...ultimately everyone goes back to their normal lives...taking pause for only for a moment to live differently to reflect on your loss.
ReplyDeleteThe hardest part of grief and loss comes after the shock and disbelief, after the whirlwind of ceremony. I feel deeply for you and your family for the loss you are enduring (and will continue to endure) and concern for the extraordinary difficult journey through grief's path ahead of you. Religion can take you far, but you also may want to try therapy with a professional who deals with the loss of a child. Also available are groups where you can bond with other parents who have also lost a child.
I'm so so sorry for your loss, and your family has been in my thoughts and prayers over the last week over and over. Nothing will ever replace this giant, gaping hole in your lives, but in time, I promise, the intensity of the pain will gradually lessen. Praying you will experience the peace of the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to leave behind, the peace that passes all understanding.
ReplyDeletePraying for your family to be filled with God's peace & comfort tonight.
ReplyDeleteI am deeply sorry for your loss. There are no words that can take away the pain...but i know that our heavenly father is with you at this time for comfort and peace.
ReplyDeleteI have been deeply touched by your families story and pray for you all.
My heart is breaking for your unbelievable loss. I will continue to pray for you to find peace and for you to feel the love of Preslee and our Savior as they stand together in heaven, watching over you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story. I have a sweet son that is 18 months old. I have been looking at him differently the last few days. I know I am just one mom of many that has done so. Sweet Preslee has inspired me and so many others to treasure every moment. What a blessing that is, and I thank you for it.
A Mommy in Henderson, NV
I know that she will be with you through the many years ahead. You cannot see her, but she will be there.
ReplyDeleteHello Ashley and Pat,
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog after hearing about it from Annalee's blog, and my heart is broken for you at your loss. I cannot comprehend what you are experiencing right now, but I can only imagine the loss of a child being a parent myself, and having your worst nightmare come true. She was a fighter, and called home to her Father in Heaven for a greater purpose. I hope you find comfort during this time, and the peace that you need to make it through this. Even with the knowledge of eternal families, this will still be a difficult time, but you have a great support system and the Comforter to get you through this. Proverbs 3:5. You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family tonight. I'm sure she was welcomed to Heaven with lots of hugs and kisses. What a blessing it is to have the gospel in our life and know that families are forever!
Brian and Kerstin Taylor
I know we've never met, but I came over here from natalie norton's blog. I am SO sorry for your loss...
ReplyDeleteMy heart is so sad for your little family. I know that you will see her again and that she is with Heavenly Father. Even with this knowledge it is such a difficult thing you have to deal with. I pray for you. I pray God will give you comfort at this time in your life. My thoughts are with you.
ReplyDeletePat and Ashley,
ReplyDeleteCan you believe the goodness of people? It is overwelhming. This world is filled with kind, caring people. Here is one of my favorite quotes. I think about it often.
"I would like to say a word about the ministering of angels. In ancient and modern times angels have appeared and given instruction, warnings, and direction, which benefited the people they visited. We do not consciously realize the extent to which ministering angels affect our lives. President Joseph F. Smith said, 'In like manner our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters [,children] and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh.' Many of us feel that we have had this experience. Their ministry has been and is an important part of the gospel. (James E. Faust, “A Royal Priesthood,” Ensign, May 2006, 50–53) I am confident Preslee will be a ministering angel to you and to her grandparents. You will feel her presence every day for the rest of your lives.
I know that God is in charge of our lives. We would not have it any other way. Our gratitude goes to Him. Because we know you, we know you will turn to the Lord, especially during this time. Burdens will be lifted and peace and comfort will prevail. Thank you for your examples of faithfulness.
Rob & Tracey Parkinson & Family
So broken hearted for you guys. We are praying for you. That you may have peace and comfort. Someday when you feel like it there is a site a woman started who lost her little girl also. Maybe it can comfort you somehow.
Thinking of you all the time.
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for your loss. Preslee looks like such a happy girl.
ReplyDeleteIt's been almost 2 years since we lost our 15 month old son in a tragic accident. It hurts. It will for a while. And that's okay.
These next few days are the absolute worst. I'm sure you are stunned beyond belief. And thinking about details you never imagined you ever would. I shed more tears as I imagine what today is like for you.
May God continue to bless you as you go through this life changing journey.
Big Hugs,
Sending you hugs and prayers. Keep breathing. Soak in the heaven that surrounds you now. Feel the ministering of the angels that are all around you. And most important --- WRITE it all out. In a journal, on your blog, however you can. Write down your feelings and all the ways you can see God's hand in your life at this time. You will be thankful that you did later down the road.
ReplyDeleteFrom a mother who knows.
Stephanie Waite
This is Sister Ashcraft. We were in the Hibbard 4th Ward with your family over 5 years ago. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Families are forever. We hope the assurance of that sweet truth will bring you peace in the time to come.
ReplyDeleteI too have a baby girl, very near Preslee's age, and my heart just breaks for you! It is such a comfort that families are forever but it's the time between now and forever that is difficult. No words can make it better but know that you are prayed for and may you be blessed with comfort equal to your sorrow.
ReplyDeleteI only just started following the story the day before she passed away. I don't know you but feel the love that you have for your little girl. And my heart is aching for your loss. I think being a mother of 5 children myself, find it simply hard to hear of other families having to go through experiences like this. And even though I know it's been something rough and difficult for you, you have set an example for me of what I'd like to emulate more of. I can feel the love you have for each other, and for your daughter, and the faith and hope that you have had in your hearts. I just want to say I'm sorry for your loss, and Thank you for your example. {{Hug}} coming your way.
ReplyDeleteFrom a stranger in Alberta Canada. I am so sorry for your loss, my heart aches for your family. I want to thank you for your example of faith and for your strength. The Lord loves you and you have not turned your back on Him. I wish you all the strength and love you need to get through this time.
ReplyDeleteOh dear...Pat and Ash--Preslee is just so sweet. She even looks too pure for this world. My eyes have not stoped shedding tears for you. Again, I send my deepest love to you. Crystal
ReplyDeleteI am visiting from Make it and love it...I am so sorry for your loss. I have thought of you and your family all day and have cried often for such a lovely little girl I have never meet. I will keep your family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine what you are going through, but my heart also aches for for your loss. You are a very powerful writer and I am in awe of your strength and testimony. My family's prayers, loves and hugs go out to you and your family. And I echo Wendy's comment above. You have been a great example to me of what I want to be more like. Thank you for your example.
ReplyDeleteWords cannot express how deeply sorry I am for the loss of your little one throughout this mortal life. I know she is with our Heavenly Father making others smile and awaiting your return so you can be together again. What a blessing the gospel is in our lives! Your story has been an inspiration for me to never take anything for granted and to take a step forward and be the best everything I can be.
ReplyDeleteMy heart and prayers are with you and your family.
Your sweet angel was so precious that she only needed to come to this earth for a short time to receive her body, so pure is her spirit and special is her purpose that our Father in Heaven has called her home early. I can not imagine your grief and pain. I want you to know that your sweet little family is a Forever Family and your Father in Heaven truly loves you. Preslee's purpose and spirit must live on in the legacy that she leaves behind. What an incredible legacy that is... How many little children inspire, influence, and touch as many lives and families as your little angel has? Not many. So great is Preslee's worth and purpose...I pray you find comfort in knowing how special her purpose is...You have inspired me and you have touched my heart...I pray your hearts heal and that your family knows the love that surrounds you...
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. Jenni
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me or my family but my heart breaks for you @ this time. Words are mearly words @ a time like this but i do truely believe that we all have our own journey, no two are the same. Although happiness and extreme pain are a common thread thru all the journeys. Little ms Preslee must be a very special spirit. Her journey, what ever her role, was fullfilled very quickly and i am sure that her footprints will last for all time, in many peoples hearts.God bless you all as you adjust to a new normal and carey on with your own journeys... stay stronge, may peace find its way to you. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI have prayed for you throughout the past week and my heart breaks for you! All I can think about is my 18 month old nephew when I look at little preslee. Just know there are so many people that will make sure she is taken care of heaven! I'm so sorry for your loss!
ReplyDeleteI stumbled on your blog I too am so sorry for your loss I understand what it feels like to lose a child and it's a club no wishes to join. I have a daughter a little older then your Preslee and I will give her an extra squeeze for you. My prayers are with you through this heartbreaking time.
ReplyDeleteThoughts and prayers for your family. Thank you for your example...
ReplyDeleteI cannot even express to you in words how sorry we are for your loss. You have been and aresuch an example to everyone around you with the grace and faith with you have shown. Preslee is such a special little girl. It is a great thing families are forever. You will be in our thoughts and prayers as you mourn. We will be mourning with you. God bless.
The Luke and Lisa Sutton Family
I pray for your peace during this time. Your daughter is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your wisdom, your faith, your testimony, and your story. I try to remind myself that the Lord said "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." Your faith in our eternal plan is beautiful. Preslee is beautiful. You are WONDERFUL parents for having her, loving her, and helping her return to her heavenly home. I can't imagine the emotions that you must feel, loosing your sweet little monkey. I pray that your faith and our heavenly father will continue to bless and comfort you.
ReplyDeleteDear Pat and Ash, Your little preslee has touched my life. I wish peace for the both of you. This must be the most difficult time of your lives. Please let us all loveyou even if we don't know you. Families ARE forever. May God wrap his loving arms around you. We love you!
ReplyDeleteThose we love are with the Lord, & the Lord has promised to be with us. If they are with him & He is with us, they cannot be far away.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss! We lost our son a few months ago. The pain is so fresh still but the gospel makes things a little easier. I cry just thinking about what y'all are going through. Parents should not have to burry their babies. It makes me grateful though that I am not Emma Smith! I pray that the spirit of the Lord can come into your lives.
ReplyDeleteOh, sweet Preslee...thank you for living such a beautiful life while you did. You've taught us all a little more about the things that are truly important and I am inspired to cling a little more tightly to those things.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with your parents. While I can't even begin to imagine what they must be going through, or how deeply they miss you, I know that the peace of dawn will come...breaking through the clouds of night and shine just as glorious as your sweet spirit did/does!
Until we meet again...
My heart goes out to your family. I grew up in Rigby, in the same ward with the Call family. I know that life just isn't fair sometimes...I know that all too well myself. My husband has been fighting cancer for a year, and he isn't doing well. You have the power to control your attitude about everything. Either your trials can make you stronger, and allow your testimony and faith to grow, or they can make you bitter and bring you down. Even though it's hard, you've chosen to see the silver lining and let Preslee's death increase your faith and testimony. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs your way.
ReplyDeleteI cannot begin to express my sympathy for your family. I have been praying for you all to get the comfort you need from God since I first read an email sent out from Katie. Your little Preslee is an absolute Angel. Your story is a good reminder to be thankful for each day we have with our children. God Bless
ReplyDeleteAgain, I am so very sorry that you are forced to walk down a path that no one should have to. I am so happy that you both feel such an outpouring of love and support...it really speaks for what a remarkable little girl Preslee is.
ReplyDeleteAnd I know that someday you may not feel the level of support that you do at this moment, and that breaks my heart. Just know that when that day comes that you are still wrapped by the strongest arms of all- the arms of Heavenly Father. And though Preslee's beautiful name may not be spoken of nearly as much as you'd like if she was here on earth, please know that people have experienced real and genuinie change from her. That is lasting. We are grateful for her. And don't be afraid to ever speak your heart. May the Lord guide you. May you forever feel warmth and joy in knowing that you two were the best parents to Preslee she could have ever hoped for and that you three will meet again. That is for certain. And until then, continue loving her and making her proud, just as you always have. My family wishes we could be there to show our support but unfortuantely we are many states over. Much love to you all, from one parent to another.
i am so sorry for the pain you must be feeling at this time, i can not imagine. I have been reading your blog, and it has brought me to tears, your faith is strong and i know that it is what is keeping you strong. Your little girl is Home and the peace you find in that is overwhelming. I will be praying for you and your family. I am very sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to thank you for bringing such a sweet spirit into this world. Even though her time was short here on Earth, she touched so many, including myself, who had never met her. I have an 18 month old son and after hearing your experience I definitely see life differently. Preslee has taught me to savor each moment with him. I will continue praying for your family.
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing your testimony throughout this entire experience, you may never know the immense good it will do. we have been and will continue praying for your family, for comfort, strength and courage to continue on. so much love, the johnson's
ReplyDeletePreslee's life on earth may have been short, but her accomplishments are nothing short of miraculous. What a difference your little girl has made in the lives of so many, myself included. I will continue to pray for your beautiful family long into the future. It is obvious that you and your husband are two of Heavenly Father's most valiant spirits. You have been such great examples, your faith is inspiring.
ReplyDeleteThough gods plan is not always our plan, he will never give you more then you can handle. Your sweet preslee is in the arms of her heavenly father now. She will always be young, she will always be beautiful and she will always be PERFECT! Your story and really made me reflect on life and how precious it is. I too have learned and gained so much from your little preslee.
ReplyDeleteYour family is in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
May god give you the strength and courage to get through this.
I'm sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are prayers are constantly with you and Pat. The faith you two are exhibiting amazes me.
ReplyDeleteI do not know you at all though, I wanted to let you know that I am very very sorry for your loss! Your sweet girl is just a doll! She is so cute! My heart and prays go out to your family at this time! Life can change so fast. We have two sweet boys up in heaven waitting for us. You are so thankful that we know thay we will be able to see them again. To hold them again. Please know that I am always here! Like I said I know that I don't you either for you but please know that we pray for you family! It is times like this that I am so thankful to have the church. Your sweet girl will always be with you! Just as my sweet boys are always with us!
ReplyDeleteI know I am a stranger to you, but I have shed tears on your behalf and prayed for your dear family. How grateful we are to know that families are indeed forever - that you will surely have a joyful reunion with your sweet daughter.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is an ER nurse at EIRMC, and was working that tragic night. He is beside himself with grief. I know writing all of this won't make it any easier...but your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
May God be with you, and beautiful Preslee.
This is a poem I just came across that I would like to share with you during this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteTo my dearest family, some things
I'd like to say...
but first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."
It's good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here badly; you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man.
God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you....in the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years
because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.
I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
but together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too...
that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night......"My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented....that my life has been worthwhile,
knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not going.....you're coming here to me.
This is a poem I just came across that I would like to share with you during this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteTo my dearest family, some things
I'd like to say...
but first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."
It's good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here badly; you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man.
God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you....in the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years
because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.
I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
but together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too...
that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night......"My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented....that my life has been worthwhile,
knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not going.....you're coming here to me.
I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet baby girl. There are no words to express how one feels at this time.
ReplyDeleteDo know that with time, even if it doesn't seem that way now, you will start to heal and things will get better.
I know this because almost five years ago I lost my father.Without warning he passed away. We're not sure exactly why but we've had a hunch that it might be the Avandia he was taking for his diabetes.
Please know you are in my heart, thoughts and prayers. Everyday I think of you, your family and dear sweet Preslee .
Take it one day at a time and remember it takes time and things will never be quite the same but they do get easier.
And even though we do not know each other, I'm always here if you need to chat feel free to send a message to my blog!
We are so terribly sorry for your loss - you continue to be on our hearts and in our prayers.
The Harpers
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet little angel.
ReplyDeleteYou are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs for you all. Juli~
I don't know your family, but I wanted to let you know that I heard about your story and am praying for your family from Reno, NV. You are truly an example of trusting in the Lord, and I am grateful and humbled by your examples.
ReplyDeleteHey Ashley. It's Hannah from Wingers. I truly am sorry for your loss. Your little girl is so precious and such a miracle! I send my love and you are in my prayers! And thank you for being such an example to me. I look up to you! I can't wait for your reunion! How fun that will be!
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry for your loss. You have a beautiful eternal family and I am so grateful that you have faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They know what you are going through, every thought and feeling and can comfort and carry you through this unthinkable and heart wrenching experience.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for your family and that you can feel a little peace.
Bless you.
We have a little one about the age of your darling. Reading your story has left me heart broken for you. I am very sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my thougths and prayers!
ReplyDeleteMy heart aches so badly right now. I have also suffered loss and mourn with others who have to go through it too. Your story has touched me so deeply. My husband and I were able to go the temple yesterday and I couldn't wait to put your names in. You will ALWAYS be in our prayers. Thanks for what an amazing example your family has been.
ReplyDeleteYou and your family have been in our prayers this week and will continue to be. As a mom myself I can't even imagine what you are going through. Preslee has definitely made an impact on our family and our friends. Sometimes it's really amazing how someone so small can make such a huge impact on complete strangers. I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry you are having to go through this, little Preslee has impacted our lives and many others. Please know you are in our prayers!
ReplyDeleteMay you be filled with the peace and strength of God... and may you rejoice in the fact that Preslee is in a better place and you will see her again. Many, many prayers for you...
ReplyDeletepat and ashley- i'm so sorry for this heartache you are going through. you both have been examples of faith and strength. our prayers are still going for you to be comforted and strengthened tomorrow and in the coming weeks. i wish that we could be there on tuesday but please know that we are thinking of you both this week. you are amazing. lots of love and prayers from us
ReplyDeleteI don't know you, but I have cried and prayed for you. As I check your blog I am continual struck by the pure joy in your daughter's eyes in her pictures. I will continue to pray for you and hope you are able to find peace.
ReplyDeleteWe know your family, and we wanted you all to know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your strength.
ReplyDeleteRory & Chelsey Eddins
I am so sorry for your loss! May God go to the deepest places of you hearts and restore you. May you find comfort in Him alone.
ReplyDeleteI know for us, after our 4th son went home to be with Jess. We were comforted by 2 Samuel 12, when David's son died, David said that he knew that his son would not return to him but one day David would return to Him in heaven. This is the hope that we have, as believers, through Jesus Christ.
i will be praying for you. May God surround you with His love and comfort through the Holy Spirit.
Much love,
I am very impressed by your strength at this time. I hope that you know that the Lord loves both of you!
ReplyDelete-Cody Hawkes
May the stars grow brighter in the sky. May the moon glow. May the birds sing louder. May the flowers bloom even bigger. All because little Preslee has earned her wings. She so looked like an angel here on earth. May her beauty continue to shine down on earth.
ReplyDeleteAtlantic Canada Mama
You don't know me, but I heard about your story through a mutual friend. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain you are going through at this time. I have been praying for your sweet baby girl. Your story hit close to home, as at this time last year, my little nephew drowned, and was flown to Primary Children's. We were uncertain what the future held, for those first few days. My sister prayed to Heavenly Father, telling him that if he needed her little boy in Heaven, then he can take him. "Thy will be done." My nephew miraculously pulled through. His mission here on earth wasn't completed yet.
ReplyDeleteI have just bawled reading your blog! I have been praying for your little girl. Your sweet Preslee completed her mission here on earth, and was needed in Heaven for her mission there! I know she is spreading joy to all those up in Heaven. Families are eternal, and I hope that can give you comfort during this time! I will continue to pray for your family at this time. I hope you can feel of the love and comfort of all those praying for you. Your little girl has touched the hearts of thousands!
With Love,
i'm extremely touched by the poem that Anonymous left.
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful!
May God be with you and your family at this time!
My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Your little monkey served her mission here on this earth and our Heavenly Father is so very proud of her. I am sure he welcomed her with open arms. She will always be with you, watching you and comforting you in your darkest hours of missing her sweetness. My heart aches for you, but I too know that the plan of salvation is real. Many tears have been shed on your behalf and prayers to light your way.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes and may peace be with you.
Looking through the pictures of your beautiful family I am struck with your the profound loss that you must be experiencing. You will be in my prayers. Preslee is a beautiful girl and you will all be together in heaven one day. In the mean time, I pray that you will find comfort and peace that only God can bring. I am so sorry for your loss and will hug my babies just a little tighter tonight.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers and love is with you now and in the future... Though times may be tough, one thing is certain: families are forever, and even though this life seems long, it isn't. Won't our eventual return to our father be glorious when we have loved ones there awaiting us? You truly have a beautiful eternity ahead of you! Pres. will be waiting with open arms ready to share so many things with you both! Even though she isn't here in body, I'm sure she will always be near you, her parents. She will be able to experience your lives as well.
ReplyDeleteMay the Lord watch over and comfort you as he helps you through this difficult time.
I am so sorry for your loss!!! My prayers are with you and your family!!
ReplyDeleteAshley and Pat,
ReplyDeleteWe are so terribly sorry to hear about your little Preslee. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Words cannot express our sorrow for your family at this time. God Bless you!!
-Travis and Andrea Schwab
i just wanted to say that your family has strengthened my testimony so much as i have read your blog. i have a little girl of my own and when i read what happened to yours i cried thinking that that could happen to anyone, including me, at anytime. but the spirit was so strong as i read your blog. i know this is a painful time for you both. but i am amazed at how optimistic you are. like i said, i know you are hurting no matter how hard you try to smile through it, but your optimism has strengthened my testimony more than you know. and im sure many others have felt the same way even tho we have never met you. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. remember that the Lord will not leave you comfortless. look to him in every thought, and he will be there. thank you for your example.
ReplyDeleteU am so sorry for your loss and all that you have been through.
ReplyDeleteDeepest condolences from Massachusetts... I am so, so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteThinking and praying for you in New York. So sorry to hear about your daughter...
ReplyDeletePatrick & Ashley -
ReplyDeleteWe are strangers to you, but my husband goes to school with Kash out here in Memphis. There's not much to say except how impressed we are with your attitudes and strength. We have two young children of our own and cannot imagine the pain you must feel. I know the Lord has individual plans and that His will ultimately brings the greatest joy, even out of the most difficult trials, but I still cannot imagine enduring yours. Your family is in our prayers.
Jay & Corrine Butler
What a beautiful family you have! So sorry for your loss, your story has touched so many. Your incredible strength is amazing! My heart has truly been touched, thank you for sharing your testimony!
ReplyDeleteFrom a Mommy in Utah that cries with you!
As a child, I experienced a loss of someone close to me through a very freak accident as well--my sister. It was the only time I saw my dad cry, the only time I TRULY experienced sorrow; not only for myself, but for my parents as well. I didn't understand it all then and at the young age of 10, I never knew how that experience would affect me as a mother 11 years down the road when my own daughter was born either. Then it clicked. The memories, the horror, the words, the emotions still rang through my soul as though it happened yesterday and I grimmaced at the thought of having to endure the same with my baby girl when she came into my life. Through time and with Heavenly Father's help, we have all overcome that pain, the loss, the emptiness. We do know that someday we will get to see her again, a joyous reunion in Heaven will take place as we all embrace and understand one another's emotions without a word spoken.
ReplyDeleteAs life has sped along, I have acustomed myself to the every day stresses of life, busy with deadlines; forgetting this important life's lesson. I was having an especially difficult day with my children as they were being quite rowdy at the store. Needless to say, I reacted in a way that I only wish I could have taken back after reading your story via a FB post. Through Preslee, I was reminded that life is fragile, each day that we live is a gift granted by God. I had an emotional 30 minutes to say the least, realizing that my reaction to my babies were unnecessary. I said a silent prayer, thanked HF for giving them to me and pleaded to give me one more day to make it right and apologize. It still breaks my heart to think back to my parents' situation, to put myself in your shoes, to only have a miniscule of understanding the sorrow anyone who loses a child must endure. Though I never met her, Preslee's innocent, loving face will remind me to love my children each more everyday, to appreciate each waking morning that I am able to hold them and be with them. My condolences, empathy, prayers, and arms stretch far to the West in Idaho from the East. My heart aches and my eyes have shed many tears on your behalf. Thank you for sharing HER with all of us, for showing your strength and positive attitude--she has touched many more lives then any of us could imagine or count.
Vanessa (Georgia)
My heart aches for you and your family. Words cannot make the pain you feel go away, but I want you to know that your little Preslee found a place in my heart and reminded me what is truley important. Thank you for sharing your story and your testimony with all of us. My prayers are with you and your family.
ReplyDeleteJust broken hearted for you. In time your sorrow will be replaced with peace. You will forever remain in my prayers and thoughts.
ReplyDeleteHi, I started to read your blog from a friend that told me your story. I can't stop crying over your beautiful little Preslee you have loss! Me and my husband live here in Idaho Falls and just wanted to say how sorry we are to you and all of you family for your loss and what you are all going through.. We wish for many blessings of love and peace to be with all of you in your hearts and for her sweet spirit to always be with you!
Ashley and Pat,
ReplyDeleteI don't know you personally, but I heard about the accident from my mom who lives in Rigby and have not stopped thinking about you and your little angel. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I feel empty and sad for the loss of such a precious little girl, but I so admire your courage and your faith in the situation. Your attitudes are remarkable and there are so many people that are touched by your little girl and by you. I will continue to pray for your family and for your healing and comfort. Thank you for sharing her story.
Ashley and Pat- You have been on my mind constantly the last few days. I wanted to tell you I'm so very sorry to hear about your sweet angel Preslee and all that your little family has had to endure this last week. I too have been SO strengthened by your faith and courage-- Families are Forever, and Heavenly Father knows your pain and heartache. Your little one is watching over you as she's wrapped in His arms. Though you miss her and it feels as though the pain will never go away, I know that this life is so short compared to eternity--you WILL see her again (and get to be with her forever!) Again, I just wanted to say you two have been such an inspiration and wonderful example to me. This is the most difficult thing a parent could ever endure and you two have shown INCREDIBLE strength.
ReplyDeleteWith all of my love and prayers
- Heather (Callais) Kunz
I don't think a pain of losing a child can ever be mended or healed. There will be nights where you will pray to your Lord and Savior and beg to dream of your child every night just because you miss them so much. I know that the only true redeeming fact of losing a child is that one day you will see them gain. That your baby is safe and knows that this is not your fault. Till you meet again, and you get to embrace your sweet baby, I wish I could see the look on her face when she sees her mom and Dad and thanks her for the great life you gave her!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear what happened to your precious Preslee. You and your family are forever in my thoughts and prayers. May God give you the strength to carry on and find peace. {{Hugs}}
ReplyDeletei am truley truley sorry that you have to go through this guys ..... wow wish i could be there .. sorry ...
ReplyDelete11 yr old hailey c.
Pat and Ash, Isaiah is dating my sister-in-law Jaclyn and we just got home from VA and was spending time with family and Jaclyn asked if I knew both of you and told me of your little one and the accident and my heart was full with hope and faith. I checked the blog to read more and found your testimonies and the news of her passing and was so touched by your strength through this difficult time in your lifes. I am so sorry about you loss. You are both such amazing people and have strengthed my testimony so much. You both are in our families prayers.
ReplyDeleteMay you find comfort in knowing that your lil Angel is looking down on you & free of pain. My heart, prayers, & thoughts are with you. I have twins girls who are 17 mos old & I cried & held them so tight of this news. God is watching over you & your family. Families are Forever.
ReplyDeletewith love,
The Anderson <3
praying for you...may God comfort you at this time.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your updates since Amy at the Idea Room posted about your family. My heart goes out to you. My little girl is only a month older than your daughter. I will be saying extra prayers for you and praying that you'll have peace in your hearts. It's such a relief to have the Gospel and I hope you're able to hold on to your testimonies. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteI am a friend of Sicily's from Meridian. I am so so dearly sorry for loss of your courageous and beautiful daughter. I have read all your postings this evening and am truly amazed at the strengh and courage you as parents have. You really make me feel the love and sacrifice that our savior gave for each one of us. Although we do not know why we each have these difficult struggles in our lives, but to strengthen us and teach and show compassion for those around us. Being a parent my heart goes out to all the sweet spirits of the children in this world, and i wish i could save them all. Reading about you and dear Preslee my testimony has grown so much in the last 20 mins and cant even express the love i feel for her. You and your loved ones will be in my prayers and thoughts. All my love from one mother to another...
Season Hymas (Stone)
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious baby. My prayers go out to your family.
ReplyDeleteI am Mark Wightman's good friend. I grew up in Rexburg. I lost my little Lucy two years ago. She choked on a small piece of apple. I think of her every morning and every night. You are experiencing the worst pain any mortal can feel. It will get better. Time will help. I'm so sorry you are a member of this club now. It is not easy. But you can do it. You can survive somehow. One day at a time. My heart aches for you. Your photos look just like the ones of our Lucy in the hospital. We are here for you when you are ready to talk to another family who has been down this road. I am sobbing for you right now. I am so sorry. It is horrific. There are tender mercies, there are miracles...cling to them.
ReplyDeleteSending out all possible love to you right now. Thank you for your remarkable, beautiful example of hope. Preslee will never be forgotten.
ReplyDeleteI am so so sorry for the loss of Your beutifull baby.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog only recently and I'm in a different country to you but as a mother my heart is hurting for you.
ReplyDeleteI pray that God will give you rest.
I don't know you, but I found a link to your story and wanted to let you know that it touched my heart.
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry for the loss of your precious daughter, and I hope that you find just a tiny glimmer of hope and comfort knowing that so many people around the world are crying along with you, and supporting you and your family during this time.
Life is a blessing, and it can be taken away so quickly.. I only wish our reminders of that weren't given so harshly.
Hang on. You can make it. I'm sending you love and healing, and many positive thoughts for your future.
Thank you for touching my soul and reminding me to cherish every moment. May you find comfort soon. <3
Patrick and Ashley, I don't know you guys - but have heard the story of what happened. I am SO sorry for your loss and want you to know I've been praying for your family for the last week since I've heard the news! Know that you guys have a lot of people praying for you and supporting you at this time. And also know how special and precious your daughter must be to our Heavenly Father that he needed to take her at this time. Perhaps he had a greater mission in mind for her on the other side that only she could fulfill! How special to think that she must be so dear to him that he chose her after such a short time on earth.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your example of strength and faith at this hard time! There are so many people behind you guys, and what a blessing to know that families can be together forever and that you guys will be reunited with your little Preslee someday. And, perhaps she's up there preparing your other children to come to this earth. Perhaps she's telling them how amazing you guys are and how lucky they are to be able to be welcomed into such a loving and faithful family.
You will be in the thoughts and prayers of my family. I pray that you can find peace and feel the Spirit at this time. Your story is an inspiration- I'm not sure you know how many lives have been changed by your amazing little angel. What incredible work she accomplished during her brief stay on this earth. Your experience has forever changed me.
ReplyDeleteI am so deeply sorry for your loss. I pray for your comfort and peace as you grieve. I can only imagine the emotions you have experienced in the last week. Thank the Lord for eternal families and for the promise of eternal life and salvation.
ReplyDeleteI'm so so sorry. I cannot even imagine your sorrow and range of emotions at this most difficult time. We are sending EVERY prayer and thought of love and comfort and understanding that we can. Please turn to God as He is the One who knows and loves Preslee AND you best. What a sweet girl and a beautiful forever family.
ReplyDeleteThe Kaufman family
You don't know me (surprise, surprise) but I felt strongly that I just needed to let you know that you are admired by so many. What a faithful couple you are. The Lord knows you and loves you. Your testimony is humbling and your faith encouraging. May you feel the prays of many praying in your behalf.
ReplyDeleteI truly am so sorry for your loss. I can't stop crying for you right now. Isn't it a blessing to know that families are forever and that your sweet daughter will always be with you! My prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteI came to your blog from another, and just also wanted to extend my deepest sympathy. We lost our daughter May 19,2009 @ 9 months old..the loss of a child is like no other loss, as I am sure you know..just remember to be gentle with yourselves..praying for your entire family as you are missing your sweet girl..((hugs))
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Presley. She is a beautiful angel. I continually hold your family in my heart and prayers. Thank you so much for your faith and strength throughout this trial. It is so easy to get distracted in this busy world. Little Presley and your family have helped me to pause for a moment and reflect upon my own life and remember who I am and why I am here. Thank you for helping me to strengthen my testimony of the plan of salvation. Your family will forever be in my heart and mind. God bless you through these difficult days; my your burdens be lightened by all those who love you!
ReplyDeleteEven though we've never met, you are both an inspiration and an example to me. You don't know how much your story has touched me and how many tears I have cried for you both. I will keep praying and fasting for you both, trusting that the Lord will comfort you and that angels will attend you. You are both amazing and I would consider it an honor to meet you one day.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. Preslee was soooo beautiful. A precious baby and daughter of God. I know you don't know me, but I heard of your family and it killed me when I heard of your loss. I can't even begin to comprehend what you must be feeling. I truly hope and pray that you both will be given the strength you need to make it through. She will always be with you. I never had the honor of meeting your beautiful baby girl, but I already feel so honored to know her story. My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this extremely difficult time. I wish you both the very best. Preslee is a beautiful angel now with beautiful angel wings and she is in the loving arms of her Heavenly Father! She was too perfect for this world. I hope that helps give you some peace. She is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI don't even know how to express my feelings for you. I don't know you and some how I love you. My heart aches for you. I want to thank you for sharing your tender thoughts and sacred inspirations at this most difficult time. You have been such an example to me throughout this experience. We will continue to pray for you. You are one amazing couple. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteI know you don't know me, but I wanted to tell you that I will be praying for you. Thank you for sharing your story. It has made me want to be a better mother. I'm going to be more patient with my little angels because it's true, life can change in an instant. I'm so glad you know that you will see her again. God bless you and your sweet angel.
ReplyDeleteAshley, Pat & your parents: I was out of town this weekend but received a text about little Preslee. I am so sorry you have to experience this sad loss. Heavenly Father does love you....I know this to be true! HIS comforting arms will be around you all, through the times of sorrow. So thankful for the knowledge of eternal families and the resurrection. This will be a sustaining truth. WE send our love to you guys HUGS
ReplyDeleteFrom a mom who lost her baby girl, Christabella, from SIDS just two weeks after she was born, I understand your pain, I pray that one day you will be able to reconcile your daughter's loss, and I pray for strength for you to be able to survive her loss.
ReplyDeleteTalk about Preslee as much as you want to whoever will listen. Repeat her story over and over, this will help you heal. Try and find a local support group. My husband and I attended two, one at our church and one another one sponsored by Empty Arms.
The Compassionate Friends website will have some good links to support groups in your area.
I would recommend the books Empty Cradle, Broken Heart and A Grace Disguised, they really helped.
Feel free to contact me, my email address is bsilvapila@yahoo.com. No one can possibly understand what it feels like to bury a child, unless they have done so themselves.
I will pray for Preslee and for you and your family.
Deepest Sympathies,
Bea Pila
I am truely sorry you & your family have to go through this difficult time. I have prayed for you & your beautiful, baby girl since I heard of the accident. What a little fighter, to hold on long enough to give you and your family those last precious moments. You were blessed to have her the short time you did here on earth...she was as lucky to have the two of you. It will truely be a lovely moment to be reunited, so your fun can continue with her :)
ReplyDeleteBless You Both & Your Sweet Angel
I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I heard about your daughter through my sister-in-law, Sue Ellen.
ReplyDeleteI heard about your story through a friend, you don't know me but I want to tell you how deeply sorry I am for your loss and how much I admire you both for being so strong. It is great to know we will see our loved ones again and even though that pain of losing them will always be there, at least we have the comfort of knowing we will see them again someday and that the Lord will help comfort us until then. I pray for you and your family at this time.
ReplyDeleteI know you don't know me, but I was your grandpa Wightman's secretary. I wanted to express my love for you and your whole family. Presless's missionary work will go on here upon this earth as well as in the hereafter. What a blessing to have had her in your life. May the Lord bless you and cradle you in His arms.
ReplyDeletePatrick and Ashley,
ReplyDeleteWe just heard of your story and are so sorry for your loss. I am amazed and touched by your strength and your testimonies. You both are amazing and so strong! Hearing about sweet Preslee has made us all turn to our Heavenly Father and are so grateful for his plan. Know that you are in our prayers! -Amber (Baldwin) McArthur
I am sorry for your loss your family is in our prayers. you dont know me i have been touched by your story and i know families can be to together forever.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about your sweet Baby. May God be with you & your family. I heard this quote after I lost my older brother, "It never gets easier to lose someone, you just get used to it."
ReplyDeleteI'm again, so VERY sorry about your lose. My heart goes out to you and your Husband!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutly touched by Preslee and this story. Thank you for sharing. I cried really hard a few times for you all - what a blessing children are. Prayers and thoughts with you at this time.
ReplyDeleteI am SO Sorry! I can't imagine what pain you must feel. You don't know me, but I am a mother and I feel like we are already friends. THANKS HEAVENS we have the Gospel in our lives. What peace and joy comes when we replace that fear with our knowledge that this life isn't the end.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could be there to support at your families funeral and I don't even know you! My uttmost condolences and sympathies at this time. May that spirit of hers be with you at the funeral services today.
ReplyDeleteAshley and Patrick,
ReplyDeleteI came across your story a couple days ago. We just turned on the speakers to our computer, and my sweet little 3 year old, turned it up because she loved it so much. I came to your blog again, and was looking, and my daughter asked me who were. I let her know what happened to Presley and that she was living with Heavenly Father now. After thinking for a little bit she turned to me and said, "Mom can we say a prayer for them?" So we stopped and said a prayer for you.
Your story brings tears to my eyes and we had a son that was at Primary's after having to undergo brain surgery. It's times like this when I wonder why everything went so well for him, and things go so differently for other people. I guess it shows that our Heavenly Father really does have a plan for each of us.
Please know our thoughts and prayers will be with you. I cannot even imagine what you must be going through. Just remember that our Father in Heaven will be close, and so will that sweet little girl. I'm sure she will watch the two of you closely throughout your lives.
I am crying sitting here listening to " I am a child of God" I love that song. And your daughter is one, as we are all.... She is happy where she is. A happiness we cannot comprehend at this time.
ReplyDeleteAnd she is safe.
When I think of losing one of my children the worry that comes to my mind is "will they be scared without me? will they be crying for their mommy and feel abandoned because I am not there to take care of them? That brings tears to my eyes worrying about how they would be without their mommy to take care of them....
But they would be in a better place than even I can give them down here on earth and I will see them again and they are not scared and have a better understanding of where they are than even I do. Having faith in that makes me feel more at peace.
Preslee is with Heavanly Father now and many angels to take care of her.
Your family is still in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Jessica.
Patrick and Ashley,
ReplyDeleteWe are very sorry for the loss of little Preslee. We have been praying for you and thinking of you daily. You are both so strong and have shown great courage and faith. I know that she is happy with her Heavenly Father and is grateful for the time she spent with you. May the Lord bless and comfort you.
The Green Family
Your faith, strenght and courage has touched me very deeply, and little Preslee is watching over you probably very proud to be your daughter. You are being carried by the love and prayer's of so many, and I add my faith and prayer's for you at this time and in the many days & months ahead of you. May the Lord continue to bless you and may you feel peace & comfort knowing she is with our Heavenly Father. Families are FOREVER.
ReplyDeleteI am so terribly sorry for your loss. I'm sorry for the emotional roller coaster that you've been on thus far, and for the one you're about to get on. I'm sorry for the heartbreak but thankful for the gospel during these trying times. Pray for the presence of The Comforter when it gets to be too much.
ReplyDeleteLove from a stranger,
Our prayers continue to be with you and your family members. Our hearts have truly ached for you. As a mother myself, I have thought a lot about your pain and suffering of having your sweet daughter leave this earthly life and the only thing I find comforting is to know that she has a sure place in Gods Kingdom... waiting for you to be by her side. She is in the most glorious place she can be in and that is comforting for a parent to know. We will continue to pray for all of you, especially in the days to come. May our Savior heal your aching hearts and bring peace to your souls.
ReplyDeleteWith deep concern,
Doug and Holly Kauer and family
I am so sorry for your loss, I am weeping and praying for you. Your daughter was an angel and a gift from God.
ReplyDeleteOur family has been through several similar situations and the pain never goes away but with time you will heal.
And your memories will sustain you forever as ours have.
Peace, love, and prayers
I am so sorry for your loss. What a hard thing to endure. My prayers go out to you.
ReplyDeleteLove from another stranger,
Jenna in Utah
What a dear sweet child. I am so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteYou have a sweet angel in heaven to look down on you. She is in a joyous place where God keeps her wrapped in His arms until you join her.
You are in my prayers. I send you lots of hugs and love.
What a special spirit your baby girl must have to be called home at such an early age.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me but I felt a connection to you while reading your tragic story. I have felt the deep feelings of loss when my first husband died in a car accident 5 years ago. But I cannot imagine the sorrow you must feel right now.
Even though we have not met,. I married my new husband in the same month that you were married and we had our first baby girl in Dec. 2008 also. She is the light of my life as I'm sure that your sweet angel was for you. I will pray for your sweet family and hope that you will be blessed through your sorrow. You must be a strong person to be asked to endure such a trial. My heart goes out to you.
Kindy (A stranger in CO)
Dear Patrick and Ashley,
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog by accident. I am a member of the church in Calgary, ALberta cananda and can't tell you how deeply sorry I am for you and your families. I have a daughter that is a few months older and it really hit home. The fact that you had the stregnth to write about your ordeal is amazing to me. I wish I could drive down there right now and give you both a huge hug and help comfort you. I cry a lot for your loss and realize just how much i should make the most of every minute with my loved ones. My Prayers go out to you for comfort and to help ease your pain.
Love a Stranger named Marisa in Canada
So sorry for your loss of little Preslee. I too am a stranger, but add my faith and prayers to your aching hearts at this time.
ReplyDelete-Dawn in Seattle
I too came across your blog by accident and I have been truly touched by the strength and courage you and your family have during this difficult time. After reading Preslee's story, I was in tears. I cannot imagine what you are going through and feeling, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteLike so many, I came upon your blog cruising through others.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for all that you and your family have been through with this situation. Little Preslee fought hard, and is at peace now. I hope that you all may find peace and comfort where you can as needed.
Just a couple days ago, I came upon another blog quite by accident. A woman who lost her daughter in May. She meant to teach her daughter to find the One Good Thing in every bad situation. Now she is learning that lesson herself, for each day. Her blog is on my followed list on my profile, as One Good Thing. You may find comfort there.
I wish you peace, comfort, and smiles in your future.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. You'll feel your angel with you always. She'll always be close by, pulling for you!
ReplyDeleteFrom another mother of an angel,
I am so sorry for your loss!!! Pat's blog entry is the most tender thing I have ever read. I have a 7 month old son and could not imagine the heartache. We spent 4 days in PCMC when he was 4 weeks old and it was by far the most difficult time in our lives. I am so saddened by the loss of any innocent life, but especially a child's. I grew up near the Sullengers and am so truly sorry.
ReplyDeleteI don't know you or your family, but I have been deeply touched by Preslee's accident and fight. I am sending you prayers. I'm so sorry for your loss!!
ReplyDeleteMy heart aches for you and I will hug my children extra long tonight. May God bring you comfort.
ReplyDeleteI cannot adequately put into words what I have felt during the past week, when learning of your struggle and eventual loss. My wife and I know all too well the anguish that you are feeling as we lost our 4 month old son just 3 short years ago. Know that we are weeping with you; that your pain is our pain. There is One who truly knows and the same One who has a special plan for you and your sweet family. You have a great gift waiting in the Celestial kingdom for you now. She will surely be watching over you and cheering you onward with the veil now taken from her eyes and the entire picture in her sights. I promise you that God is watching over you and that you will experience some of the most amazing tender mercies over the next weeks and months if you will look for them, as I'm sure you already have seen and felt them. We love you! We are praying for you! I would take away your pain if I could, but God is molding you and you can overcome this "Liberty Jail" like moment. When your heart cries out "Oh God, where art thou?", know that He is right by your side! You are surrounded by angels here on Earth that are both seen and unseen. Again, we love you! May God bless you with the peace that only He can offer!
ReplyDeletePraying for you all! This story touched me! thanks for sharing it! I know you will see her again!
ReplyDeleteI have followed your blog and ache for you. I'm so sorry, I think about your family constantly and you are in my prayers! You are so strong, know that your sweet angel is smiling down wanting you to know she is okay and she is home. Find comfort in that. You are a family forever, this isn't goodbye, just a "see you soon". You are in my prayers. Lean on our Savior, friends and family. Nothing is impossible to overcome with the Lord on your side. Visit the temple and find your peace. Our love is with you.
ReplyDeleteYour strength is incredible! I just came across this blog and am so touched with your story and your strong testimonies. I can't even imagine all that you have been through, but I know this makes me so greatful for the atonement, and like you said your story has strengthened my testimony. You will forever be in our prayers. When I lost my brother this scripture was comforting to read "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8 How neat it is to know that you have a perfect little girl who will be watching over you to help you through this life. Again our prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteLove Shannon
Harrisville, UT
I have never, ever met you before, but a mutual friend posted about your troubles as they began. I have been reading and praying and crying the whole time and still am as the paain continues.
ReplyDeleteAs a mother myself I can only imagine the pain that you are going through and that pain is so intense that it is heartwrenching to know that the pain you are actually feeling is so much more intense than anything I could think up.
This afternoon as I was pondering how you might be feeling over the next couple of days I was thinking about how much Preslee's little life and death has meant to me over the past week. I thought of the the scripture of when Nephi was faced with killing Laban and he was told that it was better that one man perish than a whole nation dwindle in unbelief. I am a part of that truth for Preslee.
Her life, while meaningful here on earth, has been a blessing to so many more people in her passing that could ever have been imaginable. And while I am sure you are wishing her life could have been more meaningful in life I just want you to know that I will not let her sacrifice be in vain.
My family will be so much better for your loss. I have gained so much faith and knowledge from your loss and I will be passing it on to my children who will pass it on to theirs and to the people that they touch in their lives. And little Preslee will have played a HUGE role in our lives at a time when we so badly have been in need of that strength.
I wish you all the best through this heartbreaking period in your life and hope and pray for so many good things in your future, until the time when you get to see your little Preslee again and complete the glorious task of raising her.
"...when the mother is deprived of the pleasure and joy of rearing her babe to manhood or to womanhood in this life, through the hand of death, that privilege will be renewed to her hereafter, and she will enjoy it to a fuller fruition than it would be possible for her to do here." (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith ch 15)
My heart continues to break as I think of you and your family tonight. Too much of your story hits too close to me. I too have a brother who left in May on a mission, and I also have a 21 month old Preslie who is the center of everyone's world. I have felt so close to your family and i know we have never met. My hearts is breaking when I think of you at your baby's funeral. That is something no parent should have to endure. I want you to know that we continue to pray for you everyday. Our Preslie has learned to pray for Angel Preslee. You have touched my heart more then you will ever know. I only wish there was more I could do. If there is ever anything please let me know. What a blessing Families ARE FOREVER!
ReplyDelete-another Preslie's mom (pocatello)
my thoughts and prayers are with you, too. much love. please see this blog... she had a similar experience and shares her feelings. it might be of some help. http://www.adailyscoop.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog since a friend linked me to it. I have been in your shoes, having lost one who'd been recently born. It's awful in every way. I applaud you for seeing the blessings in your situation, and for fully feeling - and sharing - all of your grieving emotions. I have confidence you will continue to be a blessing to others through this experience.
ReplyDeleteIn prayer for you,
Sunny Folding, Des Moines, IA
As a mother, my heart, for yours.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your indescribable loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. She is a beautiful girl. May the Lord give you strength and comfort during this difficult time.
I am sorry for your lose. We lost our daughter in March and all though the road has been rough the gospel of Jesus Christ has brought peace and assurance that we WILL be together again. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteI don't even know what to say. I just know that my heart hurts for your family. You have been such an inspiration to me. Just to read your story and hear of your faith and your understanding of the gospel has increased my testimony. Preslee is so beautiful and I pray that her sweet spirit will always abide in your home and with you always.
ReplyDeleteVanessa in Idaho
My heart aches for you! I have followed your families blog about your little angel Preslee and this has strengthened my testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you and give you peace and comfort. Having 4 children of my own, I am reminded that our families are the most important.