Pat just landed a job, working for Center Partner's. He'll be working under Capital One. It pays pretty well, especially since he speaks Spanish. That will be nice to have him working. I start school next week. Four more semesters including Student Teaching. I'm determined to finish. Thank goodness my mom has offered to watch this little girl.

We've done what we can to enjoy the last of summer. We've been Boating with my fam a few times! Pat took me to the drive in last night while my parents watched Pres. We watched G.I. Joe and Transformers. ha there were only two other cars in the place.

Pat received a fly fishing pole for Christmas from his mama. It was killing him that he hadn't used it yet. Well, his Step Bro Wyatt, who is an incredible fly fisherman, (Has done tours for people for a very long time, here and in South America) was kind enough to invite us to float down the South Fork. So while Pat and Wyatt fished, Pat's dad and I enjoyed the 95 degree weather. ha It is a gorgeous float, and Wyatt taught Pat a lot. Pat was then able to head out fishing again with my cousin Trevor. All of the pics are on Wyatt's camera sorry.
I love that one of my best friends lives only a few miles away from me. She's expecting in October, so we've done a lot of shopping and decorating for both our babies. I just threw a baby shower for her, this little guy is gonna be one cute sight in camo!

Remember this photo?
Preslee Jo, well she's quite the girl. For the longest time I knew she could crawl, but she just wouldn't. She'd rather whine until we gave her what she wanted, instead of moving herself to the object... Well before long I would leave the room and come back and she would be in a totally different spot. So I started watching her after I left the room. Ha She's already working the system. As soon as we would leave the room she would crawl! She finally got the nerve to crawl in front of Pat, and hasn't stopped moving since! Her only ambition in life is to eat all of Pog's toys... We're currently going through the teething stage for the second time... Gotta love the tears, drool, and sleepless nights. And that's the update for us.

cute pictures ash. i'm glad you're goin back to school, that's awesome GOOD FOR YOU. you are amazin, really really.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Good for you to be determined to finish school. I hope it goes well!
ReplyDeleteThat's so great that Pat got a job, it takes a lot of stress out of your lives I'm sure. I love Pres's crawl, so cute!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be up on Tuesday and Wednesday this week... I hope I get to see you for at least a little bit!
I love that she doesn't get up on all 4's but just slides - so freakin cute! Yay Pat for getting a job. That sucks you have to go back to school, but you may welcome the break of momhood for awhile!
ReplyDeleteThat's way nice that Pat has a job. Someday we'd like a job too haha. I'm so glad your mom gets to watch Pres; I'm sure they'll both love it! Her crawl is pretty amazing. Just think of the muscle required to do what she's doing haha.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe she can crawl already! That's awesome for Pat and you that he got a job!! Candee looks so cute! I think i should come out there some time soon and hang out with you two.
ReplyDeleteI love her little crawl! She looks like a little inch worm when she slides across the floor! Ha! I love it! Sounds like you two are super busy lately! Glad to hear Pat got a job, that's awesome! Let us know how things go with him and you at school! Love the Pres pics! She's a doll!
ReplyDeletedid you guys get a house or something in rigby! that's fun your right by candee you can have play dates all the time! i'm super sad i'm gonna miss the snow shack this year, i didn't even get one!