Pat and I went out to dinner with Tyson and Lindsey Marlor before they left to Indiana for the summer! After a fabulous dinner at Puerto Vallarta we sped back to their house to watch "Idol Gives Back." About half way through Tyson decided he wanted to talk to an "American Idol" He grabbed his phone and dialed. A lady answers, and the first thing Tyson says is, "I want to talk to an American Idol!" The lady replied saying I'm in Ohio, that won't happen. She pretty much assumed he wasn't really going to donate. After a long phone conversation with a cranky lady and $25 later, Calvinequa from New Orleans came on the TV and and Tyson pointed to the TV and says, "I just saved Calvinequa's life." So pretty much what we're trying to say is we had a fun weekend.

Hahah that cracks me up any we're just driving and had a good laugh for the day.. We will miss yall over the summer!
ReplyDeleteThat is amazing haha i love it!